
No that would be competition, which would translate to esports. This is tantamount to watching a solitaire stream.

An advice for people coming across blogs like this; simply imagine the author writing to himself. Things make a great deal of sense from there.

Gonna throw you a bone and assume this is a joke article.

The Root has the kind of nastiness I don’t wanna see from any site. I can avoid Stormfront or an AltRight site, but I’m at Kotaku and look at that - a link to a black supremacist blog. I hate read to have something to laugh about with my buds, but the rampant bigotry is nasty. I despise bigotry as a concept. They just

I hate to use this card; but ‘as a black man’, articles and arguments like this (especially written from would be white saviors) are the worst.

“Hey guys now here’s the stage where you fight a giant racist in blackface.”

No actually it’s super easy to seperate the game from the era of it’s aesthetic inspiration.

Do not drink from cups you did not see prepared.

Make copies of your keys. Keep them with the ID you require to drink in the first place.

What you’re forgetting is in the same opening line I had a similar disclaimer about judging the guy without due process. You see either one could be the liar and it’ll do nothing for me because I don’t have any sexist preconceptions nor special favor to either gender. You do. You believe her for no reason other than

If a game is too hard, fair enough. The options exist for a reason.

Because leaving your personal effects off your person is weird, I already explained that. Even your scenario where you know you’re gonna get drunk?

Aaaaaaaaand that’s a wrap for Titanfall as we know it.

He admitted to upsetting her, sure. Note how his statement much more vehemently defends himself when things took a step further. If I were to guess, I’d say he was saying whatever to get on her good side since he clearly likes her and didn’t consider his actions criminal. Otherwise hiking would be a bizarre thing to

Except we have very little in this case.

- Do not leave personal effects like house and car keys off your person when traveling. All I gather is you and your friends also do this weird thing and if anything - stories like this article is why it’s so alien where I’m from. Mitigate risks.

Not even in a family’s house would people leave their house keys.

No idea what you mean.

Cute theory but I rather bet on my kid running like hell until the dog loses interest than a dog being ‘bored’ with the easiest prey imaginable.

I respect that post-trauma can lead to odd behavior, but think about what that means: We have a situation where an actual victim’s behavior could be indistinguishable from a false or embellished claim. And being that we’ve no hard proof otherwise, how are we supposed settle this outside of throwing the case out? It’s