
Hate to sound like I’m defending an adulterer but the fact that he gets around doesn’t really override whatever point he’s making about the Overwatch scene. Nor has there been an influx of girls talking about him being a creep, and in fact this article seems to indicate they were very willing, which again says nothing

Downgrading the match from Ranked to Quickplay is an interesting concept.

This is why I hold off until I see the response by the accused. Especially with super odd details in the story. Like the Neogaf thing; a girl having a road trip with a Not-Boyfriend is not some thing I’d just ignore. There was something going on there.

I would argue leaving something as essential as house keys in an area you can’t access without another person is not at all common or a ‘millennial’ thing. It’s extremely odd. I was half joking about the white middle class thing. lol

Leaving your house keys in somebody else’s place. Not going home immediately. Texting the accused after the fact.

In short:

Lol Now I think I should link or copy-pasta my long post because I already addressed literally every line of your reply way back then. This is a situation I’ve thought at length about. Dunno if you wanna read all that or not, and it’s not something I could just tldr here.

So much weird in this story. Kids are fucking weird.

Rank matches tend to have ranked points based on win/loss ratio. If you allow people to join losing or winning matches in the middle or toward the end, it would not be an accurate representation of their skill level - which is used not only for placement, but for match making. That’s just one example. I could copy and

Would I be at the mercy of somebody triggering the slowmo effect?

Absolutely not. There’s a reason lots of ranked modes in shooters do not have JIP.

That makes sense.

Even now I’m getting snooty replies of things that are trademark issues but not specifically cases in games.

This includes games?

Can the description of a thing be trademarked?

I also see this argument a lot and honestly would like to see a single case where IP rights were eroded due to the existence of non-profit fan games and server revivals. Just a single case would sway me but I’ve never heard of one.


I dunno.

If he feels that way, sure, but he actually have to leave it for better or worse. It’s his site. The number of users don’t suddenly make it public domain or anything.

Or everybody could leave the site. It’s his site, no matter his issues.