
That’s why sex workers want DECRIMINALIZATION.

Yes, believe someone whose autobiography contains several inconsistencies and who wouldn’t be affected by these laws anyway.

It literally says “sponsored by” on the page. As a newspaper with journalistic integrity, they have to tell you. Go read your own link.

Um, you do realize that article is sponsored content, right? By a big mining company with a bad record on human rights, no less. The Guardian took money to run that. It’s not actual journalism.

That’s because you think Taken is an accurate representation of sex trafficking. It’s not.

1) That hasn’t actually worked out so well in places where the Nordic Model has been implemented.

It’s not a technicality, it’s a huge fucking deal and it negatively affects sex workers in an enormous number of ways, making them far more vulnerable to violence from clients. Also pimping laws pretty much criminalize anyone who associates with a sex worker, including roommates, landlords, security, assistants, and

Nordic Model is NOT decriminalization. You can’t criminalize one side of an interaction and expect it not to have profound effects on the other side.

The petition is NOT pro-decriminalization. It’s advocating for criminalization of clients and third parties, a model that creates tremendous danger for people involved in the sex trade, whether they’re their voluntarily or not.

I do it pretty much all the time. Not like this, though. My version is way less effort and way less product.

You’re missing out on the fun stuff.

Didn’t the kids complain that they don’t like their father because they’ve watched him beat up their mother? Reasonable.

Speak for yourself. My periods are miserable enough without having to use cardboard applicators.

A story:

She mentioned bodyrubs, and the advice applies to pretty much every type of appointment-based sex work. And again, “sex worker” isn’t euphemistic. It’s very, very literal. It’s the sale of sexual labor. “Prostitute” is latin for “public woman” which is wayyyyyyy more euphemistic.

I have a friend who was considering going on Truvada for random sexing. He says many of his fuckbuddies were on it for the same reason. He decided against it because of side effects and expensive co-pays. I also know an escort who went on it for a bit but didn’t like the side effects. You can do it for random sexing,

It’s pretty common to tip. Rule of thumb is that if they’re working for someone else — agency, brothel, dungeon, whatever — you should always tip. If they’re independent it’s nice but you don’t have to, unless you did something annoying like showing up late or canceling multiple previous appointments, or you have a

Most/lots of legit escorts won’t allow this, though. If they don’t show their face in ads, they probably don’t want your camera anywhere near them. If they do show their face, they’ll probably charge you a photography fee. Just FYI.

I think you missed the part where this entire article is about how paying a sex worker DOESN’T entitle you to “use their body anywhere you see fit.”

It’s a bit more complicated than that.