
This article has a pretty good summary of a study on the subject, and also goes into some of the problems with a lot of anti-trafficking organizations. At the time (possibly still) it used the largest data set of any previous study on the subject.

Thanks, I was curious. A lot of these operations don't differentiate at all, which is unfortunate, and means I have to read articles like this with a certain level of skepticism. Anyway, that's good to know.

Another thing I unfortunately have to be skeptical about: were they really raped or held captive at all? We know some of them were underage, which is very sad, but doesn't necessarily mean trafficked. In the US, the vast majority of underage sex workers are not trafficked or pimped out — they're runaways fleeing

Do they differentiate between trafficking and sex work?

In India and Thailand similar rescue operations tend to shove everyone in "safehouses" (jails) where they often get raped by security guards, so um, maybe they don't?

Lots of people have pointed out that "consent is sexy" is a pretty gross slogan for a variety of reasons, the main one being that it doesn't matter if consent is sexy, because not raping someone is more important than having sexy sex. Those people are 100% correct.

I'll admit to being confused about filet mignon until an embarrassing age, and I can totally see how someone would make that mistake, especially if they're from the kind of background where one doesn't run into a whole lot of fancy steak.

You know the vast majority of evo psych is bullshit, right? Especially when it comes to relationships. The "official evo psych explanation of sexual attraction" will pretty much always line up with whatever social norms are at the time. And social norms around sex and attraction are dramatically varied by time and

People have different sets of priorities when looking for short-term sex versus lifelong partnership.

Yes to all of this. I loved it. Admittedly, I watched it stoned. But it was awesome and fun and ridiculous and hilarious, I liked the characters, and I really wish it had been picked up.

"I enjoy my job sometimes, and not so much other times, but I generally don't feel that I'm being abused." =/= "SEX WORK IS SUPER EMPOWERING FOR EVERYONE ALL THE TIME."

Yes, it's 100% a woman's responsibility to make sure that none of her actions encourage men to be sexist assholes. Sexism would go away if women would just start acting like good little ladies! Men are not even slightly responsible for the way they treat women, because the poor things are confused by the fact that sex

Oops, giant image. How do I change that?

I once got a nice message from a guy, checked out his profile, found him cool and attractive, and resolved to write him a proper message back when I wasn't busy getting wasted with my roommate.

Don't spank your kids. In 40 years, there's a good chance your kid will be lying on a bondage bed in a dungeon somewhere, relating in detail every spanking incident from his childhood to a Dominatrix, who will decide right then and there that she will never, ever spank her kids.

I can't be the only one bothered by the way vaginal photoplethysmograph studies are reported. "Women don't know what they're aroused by" instead of "vaginal photoplethysmographs aren't very good at measuring arousal."

The Red Tree by Caitlin R Kiernan scared the shit out of me. I read a lot of horror and very few books actually scare me.

I read it and thought, wow, the slash fanfic writers are gonna go nuts for this.

Someone should set up a fund to buy these tickets for homeless people.

I got these at Duane Reade awhile ago so I could recreate 4 LOKO. According to the Gizmodo article, Berocca tablets have most of the stuff that got legislated out of the 4 Loko formula.