
For whatever it's worth, the crew at Joystiq's World of Warcraft blog, WoW Insider, are trying to start up a Patreon-founded Blizzard news site: https://www.patreon.com/blizzardwatch.

Hey fella - thanks for asking. In times past, no star existed so folks would express their pleasure with "+1." Obviously, that doesn't need to happen anymore, but I still do it for two reasons. First, Kinja sees the "+1" as a comment and generally tends to promote comments with responses and this serves as such.

I'm really sick of these thugs and the constant attention they get on this website. Can we go a couple of weeks without mentioning the NCAA?

long hair and power chords?

No, the haters are the ones who consistently post on every single Destiny-related article about how horrible the game is, how shocked they are that people STILL play it, how much better such-and-such game is, etc etc. Those are the haters.

Dick Wolf?

he's talking about the dickwolves.

See, you can make a quest joke without joking about rape.

Stop breaking down my shitty wall

It's as if we've somehow traded our critical thinking skills and sense of personal responsibility for a thin veneer of victimhood and, "I didn't make a bad decision—the system's busted!"

I've purchased one game I've regretted—one. It was through Early Access. It was Castle Story (which remains a broken, awful mess,

I've never seen the problem unless people think steam should hold a higher standard and are personally insulted that they don't. After all you're on the internet buying a digital game. The same internet that lets you look up said game to see if its any good. If you can't bother to do that then its your own damn fault.

This is unacceptable. In this day and age, to make a mistake of that nature? I mean, everyone has their own style, but you need to be really careful what you do these days and how you use the internet. ESPN recruiters are supposed to be role models for young kids, and this type of behavior is certainly not exemplary.

In related news, those who think Superman would beat Goku literally couldn't be any more wrong about anything ever.