
Laughs in Artifact 

Lol this is the sound of someone in an abusive relationship with a game 

EA didn't make the game. Anthem is a Bioware fail, much like Andromeda and arguably ME3. Put the blame where it belongs, on the people actually working on the game. 

I hate everything about Anthem's cosmetics. The "material" system is terrible. TERRIBLE. 

Beat me to it, the clear winner.

Say it wasn't you! - Shaggy

... In what way does Fort Tarsis feel alive? It's the most static "hub world" in a game I've ever been in. The 2 NPC'S that have "dialogue" are generic and nothing they say pertains to the story or adds any world building. That chick at the Forge that literally responds to every thing you say with a quipy comeback,

BUT you can revive both squad mates at a single beacon simultaneously if you have both banners

This comment feels like you've either played one game, or are just parroting some negative YouTube comments. Like... The controls, the optimization are great. It's popular because the game is good. It's why all the streamers are still playing despite not being paid. It's already got traction

> Game they’ve been working on for almost 2 years

Holy shit you're stupid 

Don't worry, no one would 

Seriously, Kotaku is getting shittier by the week. Clickbait articles (seriously, this wasn't even subtle. This was deliberate), flat out garbage articles, more ads than actual articles (or what qualifies for an article, anymore). Starting to think Kotaku getting dumped with Gawker would have been for the best, and

The point of peeps is to be thrown in the trash

If you buy something from a store and then they go out of business, do you think you're entitled to compensation? What kind of comment even is this, fuck

Yeah, these speculations are getting ridiculous now. Of course Tony isn't in the trailer. They don't want to confirm either way if he lives or not. He's not looking longingly at the suit because he misses Tony, it's literally the voice over in the trailer. He doesn't want to be Spider Man on this trip, he just wants

It was never a super major plot point, but it was on all the loading screens that DeWitt worked for the Pinkertons, just as background, and Comstock (or maybe Slate, I can't remember) says it when throwing Booker's checkered past in his face when he's saying he's not letting anyone take Elizabeth 

Here’s a big “fuck you” to the commenters here who attacked the community after Bungie unlocked the Forge. The puzzle was literally broken, but we still got a full essay from a couple shit heads acting like Bungie is infallible. 

Thank God someone else said. I always feel like I’m the only person who thinks most NES games just don’t hold up anymore, and are, for the most part, plain bad. Nostalgia is a helluva drug.

Woah, Gita having a garbage opinion? I'm sure I have a surprised face around here somewhere. Didn't have enough horny characters, and she probably watched it on accident.