Not sure if I like how this turned out, but here you go...
Except that's not true.
*receives a free pitchfork*
You know as someone who has been called nasty names like kike and been asked before "what kind of people make the best fire wood???" before you would think I'd be used to the hate, but nope, this is something that should never be something someone is "used too". Anti-semitism is still incredibly strong in our society…
We're asking them to perform miracles, not the impossible...
This just in. 22 year old Gamer starts fire in 87 year olds home and abducts him as some sick experiment.
Biggest version I could find.
Well, for starters, the headline would be "No, The Xbox One Doesn't Have A 'Wobbling' Problem."
I'm terrible at photoshop, but here is my go:
As seen on Reddit:
They entered the shop through the front door.......they had no idea what they were in for. Now they're staring at six men with guns was a fucking ambush. This was a fucking bomb dropping on this dinky little ramen shop. For a few seconds this place was armageddon. aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH
Shut up.
So.. this is what sperms feel like.
RIP, Yamauchi-san. Ya done good.