
The goku shoe looks better with the details, but still looks like a Walmart cartoon character shoe.

It should. I don't think I've "detected" a deposit that it didn't tell me the type (copper, etc), up to at least 800 u. 

By who? Not other players. Yeah, life existed on these planets before you. You're still the first player to discover it, don't be pedantic 

... So in other words you are discovering stuff. I don't even understand what you're trying to say here 

What an entitled little shit you are. A) they actually have put out apologies, but you don’t really care about that or you would have looked, you just want to flame and B) they’ve spent two years adding in promised features, and more. People like you are who give “gamers” a bad name, and you have an anime profile pic,

Isn't it worse to come first? 

That seems cruel and pretty unnecessary. The bear didn't do anything to deserve this. 

And to the surprise of no one, Thorin steps in to defend... The wrong side of the debate. Dude is such garbage. 

... But you've literally shown you can't differentiate between objectively and subjectively. You've done nothing to actually prove objectivity, and only offered subjective backing, and even that was bad (ME:A was fun, but not good. What). How are you this dense? 

... What story? Is this a satire post? 

Yikes. Hopefully we all become numb to your comments, cuz you are cringey and might need therapy. 

Yes actually I am going to compare the two. Because that’s what OP did. Stop trying to move the goal posts

No he said “Ayy, blinkin”

Anthem has a full release date. Star citizen just announced another alpha build. Are you really going to stand there and compare the two?

I mean, you say all that, and yet people are still buying and playing shared world games. You don’t like them, fine, but to come out and say it’s “a disease that’s spreading” is hyperbolic and childish. The game doesn’t cater to you. Cool, sucks, it’s not the end of gaming like you’re making it out to be.

You’re not criticizing you’re just flaming. I don’t even own a switch.

We get it, you hate Nintendo. Shooo

Or, since people keep buying shared world games, people actually like playing them.

Thank you for your insightful addition to the conversation

Nope, it does. Square didn’t SHOW ANYTHING. I could have made that “presentation” myself because it was all shit from YouTube they had already shown. It was, entirely, a waste of time