
At least there is a wing of the GOP that’s actively opposing its shitty candidate. Democrat leadership (including Bernie) and the news media in general are basically shrugging their shoulders and rationalizing or hiding away as much as possible anything Hillary does.

Seriously, the very direct ties to “journalists”

And if the Dems had worried about that at all during the Obama admin then maybe it wouldn’t be an issue. But he ran wild and you gave a thumbs up. Now a bunch of pissed off people are ready to give you Trump.

SJW having a hissyfit.

Yes, let’s blame the man (who should be in jail already for being gross with a minor) rather than project any responsibility on your fucking awful candidate and her posse of just completely inept corrupt tools.

The question I discuss often with a friend is how popular the films would be with new characters/actors taking over mantles.

I’m sure it would have been Trumps fault that the person sent dong pics and that somehow that meant nuclear codes were going to the Russians and its why ACA premiums are going up so much.

I was reading something today and it applies to the comments here.

There are Republicans who deeply dislike Donald Trump and so much so that they are public about it and refuse to vote or support him. They take the time to care about the ethics even if it costs a seat of power.

Granted, plenty of Republicans are going

I think you miss the point of diplomacy . . . which is odd for liberals considering that since 9/11 all we hear about from the left (or at least when Bush was in office) is how we need to be more diplomatic and not “make more enemies/terrorists”.

Just a thought, but may it be smart to try different tactics?


I don’t particularly think Hillary is rational and she certainly isn’t competent.

I’d be worried.

Good for Campbell decrying SJW nonsense.

So, my guesses:

Al Gore

Al Gore

Al Gore

I’ll forever love Patrick Stewart. I had a wonderful dad growing up . . . but Patrick Stewarts Picard served as a wonderful fatherly role model at an impressionable time.

Drax was easily my favorite part of the first one.


And there is my huckleberry . . . I came to find the overwrought io9 negative backlash. Thank you for personifying it.

I do have to give props to most of the other posters though in that they pretty much stuck to Snyder annoyance rather than hating on the entire thing.

For the record, casting has been SUPERB.

That makes no sense. Nothing Superman has done in the DCEU has been evil or motivated out of grief.
