9 wins.
9 wins.
Not a chance they go back to California.
How is it different? The social media age and the incessant need to moralize and play gotcha with any comment that "might" be construed wrong. This whole conversation is evidence that Dungy is right.
I get why the Deadspin writers are having a fit, because Dungy's comments are about them. They are the problem, the distraction lurking. And threads like this where the "writer" bitches about an "awful" opinion makes the point for Dungy.
Stop looking for villains.
So, even though people get names wrong all the time - this is racist?
You're missing the point.
This thread and Petchesky's breathless editorializing about the subject basically make Dungy's point. This isn't Sam's fault at all. But reporters always look for controversy and meat. This isn't just about a reporter asking a player a benign question as you keep holding on to. This is also about that moment when…
This is why we still have so many deep social issues, if debate and discussion start there will be a crowd (looks like Deadspin is included) that will take anyone that expresses a view that MAY be a little contradictory and demonize them to the ground.
Could this have a cynical side?
I've never understood that desire . . . telling wrestling fans its fake.
"along with a significant portion of the American right wing"
I mean if you live in that town and its common knowledge now that the manager there wanted to put someone with a stomach virus on line to infect customers . . . I mean are people still choosing to eat there? Shouldn't that place get like no business at this point? Add in that they fired someone for having to go to…
Someones ass hurts a lot.
I pretty much agree, though I'm even willing to compromise.
As a typically holier than thou Cards fan . . . get over yourself.
I mean I think you said exactly what I just did. Story was better in origins, City tried to do too much and the "part of Gotham as a prison" was contrived.
I actually preferred the story in Origins to that in City. City felt like it wanted to do too much. Plus I didn't like the contrivance they used to set the world the game played in.
My God, you've perfectly summed this place up. I don't think it's been put that perfectly before.
Clearly an ad for perfume needs this level of microscopic review.