
I was about to favorite until you had to make a judgement on if a type of charity was correct or not.

"charity not being a major plank of the modern GOP platform."

I think at this point Deadspin needs to change its name.

Suffice it to say that I generally disagree. Particularly because its not jsut the uninsured driving costs up.

Biggio, Bonds, Clemens, Glavine, Maddux, McGwire, Palmeiro, Piazza, Sosa, Thomas

I have a point, and its simple. If you actually want to make a point, don't say something stupid to turn people off. And by people, I mean ones that don't already agree with you.

It doesn't make a coherent point. When you're comparing violence to insurance plans there's not much to follow.

Exactly, you don't get cool stuff for free. There are a lot of ideas that are nice in theory but in practice they are either impractical, not as good when they are made practical or are frought with unintended consequences.

Ok, and the hyperbole has hit the fucking fan. It's time to move on from the comments section.

I'm not a guy that wants a national system or single payer at all. I also think that there was reform to be had.

How is refusing to pay for your personal choices "denying" you contraception? If you go and try to purchase it on your own does Hobby Lobby send a photo to the pharmacy so they know who they can't sell to?

Biggio, Bonds, Clemens, Glavine, Maddux, McGwire, Palmeiro, Piazza, Sosa, Thomas

Its an apples to oranges comparison.

Maybe they DON'T CARE or even SUPPORT the team. Shocking concept I know.

I don't like Snyder, but I love this defiant behavior. All the self important, back slapping Deadspin writers have to be frothing at the mouth. Anything to freak them out over an issue that shouldn't be an issue, something they trump up to feel important about themselves and better than anyone that disagrees.

Where's Jerome Boger to flag the pole for roughing the drunk?

Where's Jerome Boger to flag the pole for roughing the drunk?

As a Johnston, that mistake bothers me more ....

Scumbag maybe . . . but monstrous is pushing it.

I don't particularly agree. He's an asshole. But that's hyperbole for little point.