
For a long time, it seemed the trilogy’s most significant contribution to the cultural lexicon might have been the notion of being “redpilled,” a term mostly deployed by online conservatives and misogynists to describe when a person “saw the truth” and adopted some aspect of right-wing ideology or some tenet of the

Itll bw interesting to see if this game can have a No Man’s Sky style turnaround with mkre fixes and stuff delivered over the course of time. I still wont touch NMS, because its core gameplay is still grinding and collecting stuff for the most part AND because they also lied to consumers, but Im down to see the people

The performance and visual boosts on PS5 made me go back and actually stick with a bunch of PS4 exclusives I had jumped off of. It didn’t inherently change any systems in those games, but it just makes everything so much more... Tolerable? All those games have that Sony polish and great direction, but they just didnt

“its insensitive to people that have been affected in real life”

Well, a Kotaku writer got the race of an Indian woman wrong and described her as Black in a piece about representation so, par for the G/O course, I guess. 

I mean, he had the choice to just let his own truck roll, and then he swerved into a bunch of traffic and closed his eyes.

So it's still hate speech then? 

Lol bro, you seem to only wanna recognize its use in the limted scope that helps you categorize it as “language of the oppressed” when you know full well people use it without even knowing that context and as a blanket term for “white people i have issue with". Hasan might not be using it that way but it definitely

“its not disparaging any race” yet its directly at white people only? Okay...

Lol so you're racist if you dont like being called a cracker by anither ethnic group in a way meant to disparage you. Got it. 

Counter-point: Nah. 

But if we cancel student loan debt, and make college have no monetary barrier to entry, then these working class folk who largely vote Red and didnt go to college.... will go to college.

Its so funny that I read the title, agreed, immediately thought of the Battlefield 2042 beta, and then read a few sentences in and you mentioned Battlefield. I LOVED Battlefield 4, but the beta for 2042 was HORRENDOUS because I simply couldn’t make out enemies or what is going on. I’ve also done better in the Halo

citation needed

But he accomplished that mostly through corporate sponsorship and partnership.”

So, the same way every giant awards show gets made? You need that kind of capital to throw on such a massive show and broadcast it on national cable. 

Expanded storytelling? In a series that just had a release that didnt even bother with a story mode? That when it has, consistently underwhelmed in that specific front? Ok... 

Sure, “killa”.

Poor lad had to hear an opinion he didnt like and now hes shidding himself. F. 

The hearts and minds of people that don’t think racism is bad in the year 2021 arent gonna suddenly be changed by a racism disclaimer before a 60 year old movie. It helps exactly no one and changes nobodies mind, and only serves to satiate the hyper sensitive that ask for such things. Or to make people like myself

“Lol, worried about censorship when it comes to trash like BOP, but adding racism trigger warnings and disclaimers before classics like To Kill a Mockingbird was perfectly fine.”

Didnt say they were the same, just that people are fine with adding in “RACISM BAD” disclaimers before a movie like TKaM, which really shows