
Yeah, stupid people that want framerates that feel objectively better! They're such elitists! 

It’s so funny to watch the “don’t speak on MY life experiences” crowd thinking they can dictate what is and isn’t an appropriate response for a cop to make in a situation like this. You don’t have any clue what it’s like to be in these situations as a police officer, but you just shout “professionalism” and wipe your

What other profession is the literal wall between chaos and normalcy? 

Lol you really showed him by whipping out this non-binding document from 200 years ago and applying it to our modern age! 

Because your differing opinions are actual ASSAULT to them, don't ya know. 

One problem ESports have that regular sports don’t. You have players switching teams and stuff, but very rarely do they switch sports entirely. With ESports, you gotta worry about people not just switching teams, but keeping your game relevant enough that the community will still thrive years after it comes out, and

May this be a reminder to all the chodes who say the reporting Kotaku does is only focused on smearing developers and publishers - they’ll gladly talk about you when you’re doing things right, too.

This is just a terrible value proposition, sorry. 

One has value on a level beyond pure titilation. 

I mean, I’d categorize the time and effort it takes to fart off a Konja comment as fairly trivial.

The give you a big mech suit to... Do nothing with, just like everything else they’ve introduced to the game. It's window dressing on a game that is still, at its core, "collect materials to build stuff to then go collect more materials to build more stuff". Call me when they add actual gunplay and enemies. 

One request: Can 40ish year old white dudes stop using terms like “banger” unironically? It really feels like a "Hello, fellow youth" moment. 

You can't split the player base on a non-multiplayer title tho 

Of course the message is vague. This situation is unfolding day to day. It’s a fluid situation for a normal person, let alone a multinational corporation with thousands of employees. Because of that, they can’t really commit to anything concrete to say here. So much has changed in such a short amount of time you might

And Now For Some Terrifying Anime Make-Up

Yeah I never considered it was an issue because I'm playing on PC and therefore am a foot away from my screen, so everything was fine for me. But on A big TV on a couch far away? Yikes. 

People suffering from things poke fun at their own suffering all the time. That's fine. She isn't suffering one bit tho, and is poking fun at people that are. This isn't satire or levity, this is just being an asshole. 

How won't this get fucked in a similar way to GeForce Now? How is this any different? 

Yawn. They work overtime and are compensated for it, aren’t actually required to stay, get free meals while doing it, get a big bonus when their game inevitably sells its goal, and get a long vacation when it's all done. You know what crunch is. There are countless reports about what crunch is all about. Anyone