
Hello, person that will never be happy. 

A lot of your questions are tied to the fact that Warcraft was created in the 90s and WoW came out in the early 2000s. This is well before social issues such as represention in games were ever a thing game companies had to even consider seriously - which with where we are at today isn’t saying a whole ton considering

“Squeezing them dry" is a funny way to put "trying to make a website profitable again". 

“One of the things that stuck with me the most out of this 85 hour game was that I had to look at a girls butt for a total of a minute." Imagine. 

Firstly, get the Kotaku dick out of your mouth. Secondly, I'd welcome the loss of Heather and Tim. This site is circling the drain and for good reason. Burn it to the ground. 

Kojima 100% had to wait until some embargo was reweased before he could confirm this news. It's always at least been in the cards, and Sony more than likely made him wait until now to confirm it. 

Minus 5? That games story was absolute trash. 

Nah, if a minority character doesn't explicitly acknowledge oppression they aren't truly representative. That's part of their existence, despite the overarching plot taking place that needs to unfold. Sure, it might not exactly flow with stupid things like plot or pacing to consider, but what's so wrong with pulling

Shroud isn't "a Fortnite streamer". He plays a ton of shooters, and some other stuff, but not much Fortnite at all. 

Soon from Kotaku: “Something something ENTITLED GAMERS something something GAMES ARE EXPENSIVE TO MAKE something something STOP LISTENING TO ANGRY YOUTUBERS"

I hate Republicans too, but can we stop citing incels as a thing? They barely exist in any meaningful way. Their numbers are microscopic and yet I can't go a single day without someone mentioning them. 

It's like how the ESPN Fantasy Sports App has been a piece of shit for as long as I can remember, but BOY do the ads and videos with ads work flawlessly! 

I thought Game of Thrones was over? 

Lol “He doesn’t support women” is such a huge leap. He doesn’t stream with women. Streaming with women can be seen as a form of support. A single form of support amongst many other forms of support. Taking the opportunity to widdle his worldview down to a complete lack of support for women and their issues

The funny just... Never came... 

“ExoHydraX told Kotaku that she has appealed her ban and is willing to “rebrand” herself and cover up more.”

This is how you do it, MS. Take note everyone else. Leave it up to the players to filter what they wanna see. Provide options, don't just completely remove everything for everyone. 

Just as with TV and movie stars, as long as streamers pull in viewers, they will be relevant to corporations trying to make money off of them. I know it’s strange for someone like Ninja to show up on the Masked Singer, he’s probably pulling in just as many viewers per week as some B-C level sitcom star that would

That's less about MS being the "good guy" and giving you more value for altruistic reasons, and more about MS being trounced at just about every corner for this entire generation and needing to throw in the kitchen sink for people to even give a shit. 

Gears is on Gamepass because Gears needs to be on Gamepass to even look like an attractive exclusive from MS. Gears as a franchise is pretty much over, and if 5 was a $60 release that you could only buy, the sales numbers would more than likely look pretty bad in comparison to a PS exclusive. So they shoved it on