
Oh man, they had to close the comments on that PCGamer article because of all the racists making excuses for why this is “censorship” and everyone needs to toughen up. If you wanna go see just how insufferable this community probably is, go read their comment section. It’s disgusting. Dozens of moderated deleted

Is Kingdom Come a multi-player game? Cuz it seems easier to decouple your interactions with a single player game and the broader community surrounding said game than a multi-player one where you’re forced to interact with a bunch of racists as part of the game.

They're an indie Dev. They don't exactly have a ton of funds, I'm guessing. Mordhau has been a runaway success for them. This is just a cowardly way to try and retain that player base, because they know taking a stand against this behavior will label them as "siding with the SJWs" against these idiots. If those people

Or we could report on the other shitty things she said, instead of trying to make this some sort of, she just reached her breaking point” bullshit.

“If some non-black kid grew up in a black neighborhood and was bullied and harassed for years, saying in a moment of anger “black people are trash” would be understandable.”

“No, it’s not. Not until the oppression stops.”

It’s possible both of you are right and that, given the constricted time frame, S8 was a lot better than people who hate it wanna give it credit for, but that it would have definitely had better pacing and been more coherent as a whole if they decided not to wrap it up in so few episodes. Wanting to move on is

I find it very weird that you decided to share the fact that your point was made by somebody judo throwing your friend. Like, don't fucking touch me? Lol

That feeling when you try to show people Evangelion and they just don't get it, despite you desperately wanting them to love it as much as you do. 

Lol why are people so upset about cross play? Its coming to games this Gen, and will likely be the default next gen. Sony took the feedback eventually and is giving people what they want and will continue to, but they just CAN'T let it go. 

It’s kinda obvious he was being hyperbolic when saying they “care about you”. It’s more that they care about their titles, and their quality, instead of just trying to have SOMETHING to give to people. They’ll let their games germinate and let the devs do their thing, because they know they’ve got the talent, and

Nintendo plays to a different demographic, I think, and while MS has the worse reputation, Sony has brought on a LOT of toxic people, what with them being the defacto choice for a lot of gamers this Gen. A bunch of old Xbox bro turds got PS4s this time around and their shitty behavior migrated - not that the


I wouldn't take Black Mesa as proof that they won't C&D fan projects, as one was a remake of an old game Valve probably had no plans on touching again anyhow, and the other is a fan made sequel to a series that, despite the memes and long wait, COULD still happen at some point 

I'll provide the dumbest takeaway from all of this in that it really sucks that Israel is already THAT gray at only 35. I thought he was much older. 

Never has an act gotten tired faster than Tim Roger’s. It’s like the irreverance of your favorite gaming YouTuber (which Kotaku and games journalists love to shit on until sanctioned by them) only much less funny! 

Wait, didn't Matt Murray do what Binnington did in 16? 

This is dumb. You watch these shows you generally don’t care about anymore just so you can have the information AS IT HAPPENS instead of waiting the 5 minutes it takes between in-conference reveal and short summary article/trailer on the internet. The only reason I can gather as to why you'd do this is for a sense of

It’s very funny that people have a problem with this person leaking stuff like this, when they’re on Kotaku, a website that’s been blacklisted for massive leaks in the past. Hell, Kotaku just recently leaked the COD details for this year. But nobody is shitting on Kotaku for doing it, cuz they're part of the industry

MS had a full show without Sony to shine, and they showed absolutely nothing that can compete with what Sony already has announced. Nothing they showed could even compete with Sony FP game wise, they said they’re basically launching the same damn console, xCloud was just a footnote. They sure did show a lot of games,