
Preach! I think that's why Sony has excelled so much in the last few years. They deliver semi-open to open worlds that are just big enough to feel alive while also small enough to be stuffed with meaningful content. And most of them done take that long to beat. Last of Us? 20 hours. God of War? 30 hours. Horizon? 50

So, just like any ‘woke’ celebrity? What does gender have to do with ones ability to be an out of touch moron traipsing around in $1000 T-shirts while trying to pretend like you really connect with the Average American and share their distaste for “income inequality”?

Oh please, you’d be one too if the money was in front of you, no matter how much you insist online that youre too good a person and could NEVER.

Also, Kendall Jenner is trash. Her whole family is trash. Oh, they have BRANDS? They’re fierce entrepreneurs, right? Please. They have so much money, they pay entire firms to

I mean, if we’re going to comment using the accumulated talents of the people we’re talking about as a baseline for why they shouldnt be criticized, I think Leto wins out purely on being a model, actor, singer. These women are ONLY models, after all. He has excelled at two more careers than they have.

Also, the

Lol are we so loyal to defending women on this site that we’re willing to rewrite history and call that Pepsi ad “brilliant”? Because it was not. It was shit, and everyone called it out as shit when it came out. In fact, its still shit. 

This is such a dumb issue. 

Gotta love recycled articles from over a year ago. Just slightly change the context a bit and it’s like it’s a brand new thing! Now instead of the title being “I tried to find the best Kart” it’s “my Kart is actually the worst”, even though that was entirely apparent from the first article and 95% or more of this

Do you get out your “jump to conclusions” mat whenever you make such hot takes?

It was Nazi imagery, in a game about prisoners. In order for it to be pandering TO nazis, youd have to be able to prove that was the intent - to get the attention of Nazis so they would buy the DLC. Since nobody can actually do that, what

It’s so funny to listen to some clueless joke of a person who has exactly zero invested in someone’s life, and zero understanding of the implications their success brings to their particular life, tell that person to do something or they’re a piece of shit.

The bias and agenda pushing of this website is clear as day when you juxtapose this take with all the takes Kotaku had over the Jessica Price scandal. Somehow a woman (who isn’t very popular online) who lists her employer on her public Twitter page and got called out for being a dick to a well-meaning individual needs



“A solution” isnt “endlessly harvest for stuff to upgrade stuff that doesnt matter cuz you dont use that stuff for anything but upgrading stuff”, which the game has been since it released and continues to be. I know, this game isnt for me apparently, but I so desperately want it to be. I dont begrudge anyone that

It’s good now, and I agree with people buying it and enjoying it. Everyone can do whatever they want.

So, beyond mining for minerals and stuff to upgrade your suit/weapon/ship and building your base, there's nothing much to do still? 

I feel for ya Drew, because behind every starry-eyed young journalist, who was convinced they were gonna make a difference by blogging online free from the overpowering status-quo of print journalism bowing to its corporate masters at a start-up website, was the snake-oil salesman who got them to sign on promising

I know this I Kotaku and I'm never going to get my way, and will probably remain in the Grey's for posting this, but if really love more videos and articles like this. Ones that talk about actual games and less about social issues in regards to games. 

The man is a national treasure #/s

It's not a fireable offense to say "I don't wanna do this here/right now, sorry". But that's not what she did. That's an oversimplification in order to paint what she did in a less shitty light. She shat down the throat of a well-meaning and respected community member, and the entire community. That's. What. Happened. 

The woman was part of a PAX panel called "Everything is sexist". I'm sure something like that doesn't lend itself to calling a well-meaning person with feedback a sexist mansplainer for no reason. So sure.