
It’s Kinjas fault, to be honest. They make accounts like yours “verified” so you can come up in black, and other people who aren’t acknowledged by people like you continue to sit in the Grey’s. So your comments always appear when you make them. Meaning your comments are always near the top, getting the most attention,

That was just straight up poor defense by an overmatched defender

Or, you know, “damn there are some unbelievably impressive people in both genders, how amazing the human race is!”

God, go fuck yourself already.

I’d have to agree. I’d love for Columbus to bounce Washington in the first round, and as a Pens fan, I know they can go toe to toe with anyone (I was nervous that entire Pens/Jackets series last year). I’d still be surprised if they pulled it off, and I still think Washington is a better team and will eventually

Oh, a Crosby hater. How original. You must also still hate Tom Brady.

“No, this was always about pointing out that working the fields is extremely detrimental to the health of yourself, and directly affects those in your life in a very negative manner.”

Nobody said anything anywhere to suggest otherwise. In fact, the OP (you know, the guy who actually works in the fields, not some douche

No, this is “some guy shared a story” and you ascribed the “pull yourself up by the bootstraps” routine to it, despite the OP going to great lengths not just in the OP, but in further comments, to explain that many people dont have the ability to do what he did and its not realistic for everyone to do, nor what

“But the reality goes to show that even the aggressive efforts of one of the wealthiest companies on the planet aren’t enough to tackle carbon pollution alone.”

No fuck.  

And OP will be sitting in his wheelchair, all wheeling around and shit, still being a better person than you are with your two functional legs and your shitty opinions :)

Whats the more realistic outcome here? That some people are going to askew their own long-term health (maybe, they could turn out to be just fine though) in order to take a physically demanding job in order to support their family, or that they should just uhh...not do that..and wait for...AI and robots to do it, I

So this was always about a feeling of superiority.

Cut the hard-ass act? The fuck are you talking about?

As someone who works at a shitty bar in a shitty white-trash suburb in Pennsylvania, I can tell you that most people that think about Welfare are thinking about black people. The fucked up thing, is that most of the people I see using EBT totally have jobs already. They arent just walking around without jobs and

Your tired “everything isnt sunshine and roses!” cynicism is so out of place here, given the OP seems to be fairly balanced in acknowledging the realistic give and take of life, and never suggested the job is for everyone - he specifically stated “Not everybody can do this job”.

Moreover, if one would suggest that not

Oh no, its almost like his story is a reflection of real life, where positives and negatives exist in most situations!

It’s not fanboyism if it’s true, though, and by all measures Sony has had the better exclusives. It doesn’t have to be about putting others down or puffing yourself up to acknowledge that.

Wow, this is some hard-hitting news you guys are doing over at Jezebel....

I think part of the problem lies with men who feel attacked, who are therefore responding in kind to women. Men are literally flooded with articles from all over the web about the “patriarchy” and how success for a man is “so easy, because man” that it just gets tiring. You hear the accomplishments of men brought down

I think there may be one in development actually...