
It’s shocking, SHOCKING, that a studio owned by a company like Activision would release a game with only 9 maps. It’s almost like they purposefully give you so few so that you’ll get bored quickly and be waiting to give them $15 for more maps or buy a season pass.

In our internet age, we shouldn’t be afraid to come forward anymore. The fear of going to a male higher up is real: what if you do immediately report such a thing, only to have it brushes off?

Yeah, being an attractive woman and transforming into another attractive woman is great and all, but it wouldn’t call it “shape-shifting” as much as this.

You’re narrowing your argument down to a very small subset of people who you say are entitled because they’re going to pirate it. The vast majority of people aren’t going to pirate the game to spite EA. The thoughts of people on “forums” encompass those individuals. Making their opinion stand in for “gamers” is an

Nuance: One group is complaining about a practice that they don’t particularly like in a favorite hobby of theirs, one that they’re used to costing a standard price for a certain amount of content. Their complaints have caused a massive company to change their policy entirely, if not for a fleeting moment. Perhaps

I heard that EA contacted them with a few “improvements” they could make to the program:

You’re absolutely, 100% wrong. Stop spreading misinformation. My PC, with a 1070 and a very powerful i7, cannot reliably run games at 4k higher than 30 fps (oftentimes much lower) and it can only do so with drastically reduced settings. Just those two pieces of kit cost $500. You cannot buy a PC that’ll run games at

I see that you threw CNN under the bus for posting the article about Trump and the Koi pond, but conveniently didnt mention the fact that Jezebel ran the exact same bogus story, edited video and all, the same day.

You say you want to stop being petty and start being more honest, and yet you cant even point out that

So you’re one of those types who thinks that a bunch of grown men away from proper society getting shot at by the bad guys of all bad guys during the worst war of all time, up to that point, probably didnt say “fuck” that much?

I think this is more you having felt something for those named NPCs in old COD games rather than something they achieved in those games, because I played those games many many times and, outside of the few NPCs who were supposed to survive for the sake of the story, the others really never spoke much or gave me a

“it would have been just as reasonable for Max to use her Dig Dug skills in the Hopper rescue scene with Joyce, having her figure out they need to dig into the tunnel underneath the pumpkin patch to find the sheriff.”

I’m not one to think that every character has to have a large role. It’s okay to have a character exist to move a story along, and not every character can have a huge role. Plenty of film and literary classics have characters that exist purely to move the story along or give a character motivation.

The thing that sucks about the default skin is that you’re guaranteed to have 3 recolor skins using the same armor. Changing the color won’t make the armor she has on any more appealing. It’ll need to be the higher tier skins, that always take a little more artistic license in changing the overall character than the

Actually, at best, he didn’t do it

My PS4 has been collecting dust since I’ve been playing so much PUBG on PC and I don’t ever seem to be driven to get through some of my older games. Here’s hoping Sony announces something awesome. Mario is the only thing that’s come out recently that’s made me wanna game on console (I want it so bad I’m thinking of

Another person wanting the sins of past administrations, coaches, etc, passed down to people that had nothing to do with it.

Whole I detest loot boxes I’m general, I also have e to constantly remind people that while I, an older gamer who remembers when all the content with a $60 game was included at launch and we had expansion packs instead of DLC, a lot of the market.... The vast majority I’m fact... Either don’t remember those times as

So we’re using the complaints of what, a few hundred/thousand anonymous forum complainers in a sea of 15 million players, the opinions of people who make money on the game by being good/winning at it (and therefore are more apt to freak out when they lose because of a glitch), and Steam reviews after people started

Good article. It’s a shame there are so many distracting mistakes that should have been taken care of during proofreading before being published

“It’s a better game than the original but not as revolutionary”