
Ah the old “people have it worse than you so you can’t complain about a minor inconvenience you observe” argument.

I just have a hard time with all this guys defenders. “You MUST acknowledge that what he’s done is impressive!” No, I really don’t. I don’t HAVE to care or acknowledge anything about this guy. That’s my prerogative. There are plenty of other YouTube personalities that I actually respect who don’t have 50 million

Ya, FUCK HIM for being white and coaching good black players to 11 championships! He shoulda put the basketball shoes on himself and let the elite basketball players coach HIM to a championship instead!

We gonna start ripping into every white coach now? All those famous college coaches who had now-elite NBA talent on

“Phil Jackson stuck his foot in his mouth when talking about Lebron and his friends and we got upset about it, and now hes NOT talking about Lebron or his friends in response to our outrage and we’re now upset about THAT”

Well I highly doubt if that defender was a black kid any comment would be made about “going back to social studies” amongst all the shit talk. But hey, white people arent allowed to jump to conclusions on an turn of phrase that could be interpreted a certain way. Nope. Black people can tho. I mean, we DO spend a ton

“It’s not a black-white clip until someone calls the black guy lazy.

It IS a comedy segment but it’s also supposed to be advertising for Square. Conan made the game look stupid and Square picked some of the worst stuff to show. FF XV is supposed to be about friendship and mushy stuff, things Conan doesn’t care about and actively makes fun of in all his videos. At least with some other

The Souls games aren’t very demanding and two of the three released on last gen hardware. DS3 probably scales down pretty well but visually it’s behind other current gen games. Skyrim is a last gen game. It remains to be seen if the more visually demanding and popular titles will transition to the Switch. My thoughts

He has the support of white nationalists and has made it to office on a message of hate for different races and ethnicities, along with different political viewpoints, women, homosexuals, etc.

He has a group of followers who will believe whatever he says. He can deny whatever people throw at him, even if there is

I’m not sure if this is true, but I’ve heard that even if you don’t give a numbered score, Metacritic will still evaluate the review and give it a score based on the content of the review. If that’d true I don’t see how one could avoid the whole situation.

You’re literally making assumptions to fill in the gaps of a story youve read in the news, one that is short on details (cuz I’ve read pretty much everything on concerns to the controversy with Konami so I’d know what’s available to know) and then making comments about someone who has earned the respect they get after

It’d not an observation tho. You don’t know anything about how Konami and Kojima made decisions in regards to the games he’s made but are somehow convinced that he’s now “off his leash”. You have no knowledge if he was ever on one or isn’t on one still (as this game still had a publisher)

I’m fairly certain there hasn’t been much leash, even at Konami, since about MGS2. All the people that bring up this argument have literally zero idea how team and upper management interactions (during the good years) happened inside Konami but they’re SO SURE Konami had a ton of input on his games. I highly doubt

Totally new in the gaming industry. No good games have ever had cinematic trailers. Not one.

A man who could honestly care less what detractors hate about his games because millions still like them and appreciate what he does and who’s self worth and creative integrity doesnt hinge on the approval of people who don’t understand him? That’s more like it!

Somone who uses “poor” as an insult/to put someone else down is definitely an asshat. Let the dick swinging continue!

Not for brand new games or multiplayer only games.

Not for brand new games or multiplayer only games.

“Took the money and ran”mighr be a bit much, more like “took the hype while knowing they weren’t going to deliver the product they promised and then hid in silence while not taking responsibility for their lack of transparency”. I don’t celebrate this update. We are OWED this update.

I’d hardly call this an enormous update. They’re slowly adding in things that they promised would be in the game years ago and then never bothered to say they wouldn’t until after the game was released and everyone found out their “limitless universe” was in fact very limited.

But does it add more to actually do outside of the limited game play loop they’ve already established? Does it add more meaningful characters/story elements to discover? THOSE were the huge problems the game has always had, which I don’t see this update fixing.