
Yes, those are some shitty people. Coincidentally, my sister and brother in law go out and enjoy themselves all the time and have sitters, and plenty people say “good for you”. So would you look at that. Two types of people acting two different ways...

Hmm, its almost as if this article is trying to make a huge point

This comment section is full of people saying that “some people dont know what it means to #struggle” and then those same commenters share how they had to “slave” over a stove for 15 WHOLE HOURS a week to pay for their own “entertainment expenses” because their parents “wanted them to know they still had to work for

Something that always bothered me about this show. In the very first season (and again in this episode), they show that you can avoid being attacked by a zombie if you smear yourself in zombie guts. Why havent they been doing this the entire time?

You went on to insult the content of the game itself based on “the story is crap. The Raiden/Snake bait-and-switch they pulled with MGS2, combined with the incomprehensible storyline, pretentious dialogue”

Then when presented with arguments as to why the game is actually quite brilliant, you dont provide any actual

There seems to be a pretty big rift with gamers concerning SW Battlefront right now.

Personally, I dont know how to feel. I play more “complicated” shooters like Battlefield and Red Orchestra when I play shooters for a LONG time, so Im not sure the “simple” nature of the gameplay would appeal to me. The last time I

People who game are older than ever, and people like me have less time than ever to play, so fast travel systems are necessary for us to experience the game in the short amount of time we have. I’m not getting PA ID Auto play games. That’s pretty much h the people this gripe concerns. So unless you’re a critic paid to

Well, fuck her for being supportive, then?

Some people...

Well you didnt say the guy was a manager in your original post, just a co-worker, and didnt relate his age so...you can expect some questions.

Oh Christ. “White people”are scared of Cam Newton, huh? Or maybe a few specific white people in the media? Because Im fairly sure Ive heard TONS of white people who cover sports say this is overblown, and who have praised Cam Newton for years, this year included.

But hey, what do I know. This black guy is writing

“It was Thursday, and it was the first time my Xbox One has ever made me feel warm and fuzzy. All it took was for Microsoft to start putting an Xbox 360 inside it.”

My question to everyone is:

As a PC owner with hardware enough to run everything 3rd party looking prettier and running faster than the console equivalents, is there enough compelling stuff out there to purchase a console this coming black friday/holiday season when deep discounts and nice bundles start popping up?

Another article about the death of the Dreamcast. Hasn’t this article been written a thousand times by hundreds of publications over the years?

That being what, the truth that we haven’t had a good hulk game since ultimate destruction? That’s, ya know, a fact and stuff.

It’s a mod made by an amateur fan, and a damn good one at that. It may be shoddy, but still impressive for a FREE fan made mod... And fun... What else do you expect? It scratches the itch, and it’s been a long time. People are stoked on it. Get off your high horse.

“And if a religious leader tells a man that he’s supposed to control his wife by being the ‘head of the household,’”

Its also pretty unfair to preach to a man that he needs to be able to support his entire family (including the tons of kids they think you should have) or else hes considered a failure. Marriage is a

Wait, a church you attended preached a doctrine that doesnt mesh with our current cultural reality?

Another year, another dickless “vs.” comparison by Kotaku where they sit on the fence too afraid to make a definitive choice because they dont wanna upset the fanboys.

People are entirely missing the point. Yes, this woman has agency in her decision to cosplay. But on this site we are continuously fed articles that raise issue with the oversexualization of female characters in games. Recently it was Quiet from MGS5. Why would a female sniper need to wear a bikini? Shouldnt she wear

Your opinion is subjective. I think differently of his comment. Get over it child.

How is his comment incorrect though? Fuck class, tell the truth. These guys disregarded the people who care about them the most and drove without the proper experience or legal ability, while taking a concoction that WITHOUT A DOUBT insured they should not be driving, and went out on a high speed, reckless joy ride.
