
So making a mod to show penises in Skyrim is "as amusing as it sounds" but games that show big boobs and nearly naked women are "disgusting, objectifying male power fantasies"? .....riiiight

Ah Kotaku, home of hypocrisy, where an entire authorship (editors and all) can get in a big huff over "objectifying" women in every form of medium (in which I can imagine mods with exposed breasts would be frowned upon) but then post a mod about adding penises to Skyrim because its "funny".

Per the usual, everything looks so much darker on Xbox One. I hate the filter they use. Given that I've been a PC gamer primarily my entire life, the differences between the versions are noticeable. For me, the darkness of the filter, and the "fuzziness" of the lower resolution image (especially on distant objects

Its really no contest in some of the shots. The ones at the beginning, not so much, but when going outside and looking at objects at a distance (such as the mountains) everything on X1 just seems fuzzy because of the lower resolution compared to PC. Still, not that huge of a difference, but for people like me its

Too bad hes gonna miss DocSeuss and bobsplosion, every interaction ive had with them, theyve proven themselves to be self absorbed, "get off my lawn" opinion assholes. Oh well...

And most people generally agree that the games you think are crap are not crap...

In the last two years, outside of Battlefield 4, I have never had an issue installing a game and having it launch from Steam. Not ONE! How you ignorant people who make up your minds based on what you hear even have a voice is beyond me. Actually take part in the experience before you bash it. If you say there are all

"That same reason is why many multiplatform games do their best on the PC (Dragon Age: Origins is a great example)."

Whoa, you must be a hyper troll. You think GEARS OF WAR is a good game? Gears of fucking War, literally one of the worst games Ive ever played in my entire life. Thanks for the cover system, cuz thats literally all that game ever gave anyone that made it worth a fuck. GoW is the most overrated shit bag game Ive ever

I cant say I really trust your taste in games when you list Shadow Warrior, Kentucky Route Zero, and Deus Ex (i assume youre talking about Human Revolution) as games that you absolutely love. KRZ was boring as all hell and had no substance, Shadow Warrior could have been made by the guys who make Serious Sam for all I

Everything I've seen for this mod just screams "FOG! BROWN! ROCKS! SWAMPS!" it doesn't look very attractive at all, and makes me not want to play it. Literally every environment looks exactly the same in my opinion, a variation of some foggy brown marsh or mountains with no context. As someone who has never played

Ah yes, ur expert game design friends that haven't done anything of note and nobody has ever heard of them... For someone who likes to pretend they know a lot about how games are made, you really haven't a clue. The reason the Uncharted series is made how it is, is because of the nature of the product they wanted to

Well, the blonde haired, strong jawed, blue eyed white male is a rather generic look, both in movies and video games of old. Not so much now, as the old generic look has evolved into a new generic look of everyone needing to look like John Shephard with the 5 o clock shadow and nearly shaved head.

Well, the blonde haired, strong jawed, blue eyed white male is a rather generic look, both in movies and video games of old. Not so much now, as the old generic look has evolved into a new generic look of everyone needing to look like John Shephard with the 5 o clock shadow and nearly shaved head.

So what I take from this article is matt Novak is a douche.

that being?

Kotaku, the place that hates objectification, is alright with a game that basically objectifies people? Fantastic.

From the gameplay Ive seen it really does look like COD on foot. The mechs and wall running are nice, but not enough to make me feel like Im not playing a COD expansion pack