
its a fair comparison though. for you to pretend that its not only shows both of your ignorance..sorry but try again. Both games and rap music have a huge amount of sexism, so its a valid criticism, really. Just because u dont wanna see it doesnt make it an invalid point.

There definitely is a monolithic Kotaku viewpoint when it comes to sexism in gaming. Constantly posts articles about "sexualizing" characters in games and every other media...Constant articles about about the gaming industry being this huge male driven system where women are treated like discarded trash...yet we get

and games arent? stupid comment is stupid...

so we keep the graphics of last gen and add more zombies...hooray, like I wasnt already sick of zombies. This games gonna be below average.

Oh c'mon, I don't.necessarily agree with the guy if he's saying all PC gamers are like this. That's obviously not true. But some are. And the pictures funny. So don't be so serious. He's just taking a dig and being funny, I don't think he's trying to be insulting. If PC gamers are really going to consider themselves a

Haha ur funny, and by funny I mean sad.

Actually sir, the graphics of Skyrim on 360 are pretty much Low with AA disabled and at a very low resolution upscaled to 720p (480p) with nearly all shadows disabled.. A computer from 2005 can definitely run that. So, argument invalid.

Don't be stupid. It stands to reason that if a system can move 1 million units in 2 countries vs its competitor which moved 1 million in 13, one clearly has the upper hand. When PS4 is released in Europe, their biggest market, it's going to sell a ton. You're trying to say that none of this "guessing" matters and yet

"If you don't like what someone else is selling, then just don't buy it and shut up."

You have absolutely ZERO idea of how console online infrastructure works. Youre basically just putting your knowledge of how things work on PC and glossing it over consoles. What if thats not the case? What if there IS more to it than how you see it? Do you actually KNOW how console online works?

Fact is, yes, PC

Jesus. The guys playing this game are the reason people hate on COD in general. So annoying. Couple them with a video showing how broken COD is (and has been for a while) and it boggles the mind how anyone can play this trash.

Where in the article did they say the horde is innocent? He said they're going to focus on making heroes on both sides. Can they not have heroes AND villains on both sides? You know, things that make a compelling, balanced story? You seem to want the orcs to be all bad, which would make for a pretty boring, by the

Well, people care because it means a lot in terms of what the hardware is capable of. If the Xbone version has to be downgraded in resolution to get to the same framerate as the PS4 version is at twice the resolution, there is at least some, if not a large, gap in the power that the PS4 offers over the Xbone. Many say

Ah, another person putting their gripes about their own card being bad, and applying it to the entire line of said graphics card. For instance, know why you cant get good framerates in Rage or Doom with that card? Me neither, because my HD6950 which is less powerful and older than your card, can run both of those

Good for Nintendo and good for gamers who like what they make. But no matter how many of these articles are run, saying Nintendo isn't dead and how great their games are... none of it is going to change the fact that I want to punch through my TV out of nausea every time I see a Nintendo product. All those games can

Proof that I still dont care...

The shits I give about this franchise are so minimal I dont know if they can get lower.

Well played sir. A bow that was actually fun to use, like the Skyrim bow, and none of these other bows.

Disagree. I hated using the bow in almost every game except Skyrim. It was obvious the entire industry wanted to jump on the bow and arrow fad popularized by the Hunger Games, as games started to use bows predominantly around the same time the books became popular, leading into the movie.

Except, you know, this is about Steam games, and GTA5 isnt out on PC.