
What’s funny is that as much as I respect Moore and hate people cashing in on his stuff, I have to admit that I’ve really been enjoying Doomsday Clock quite a bit. Reading this and Heroes in Crisis has been like night and friggin’ day. Clock feels coherent and well thought out and seems to be leading to an ending I’m

This is still my all time favorite and god I am old

I have no idea who Sameer Deen is but I bet he’s an MBA suckass who doesn’t know anything about his actual product.

For all my (minor, whiney) complaints about the movie, the arcs of the major characters wasn’t one of them. I actually liked Luke going into exile to become a bitter old man who had “given up” on the force and Jedi-hood or whatever.

Is it wrong to say that I like X over the core series, 100 times out of a 100?

Not mine, but my favorite I’ve seen so far.

Louis CK’s act is to be the opposite of PC. Don’t confuse that with people who are legitimately disgusting humans. If you had any integrity you would remove his picture.

Your mileage may vary.

All of those things are things he said during his act.

Genuinely curious as to their justification as well. From the outside looking in, it appears that they’re trying really hard to destroy a man’s career based on a rumor that’s been repeatedly discredited and denied by all parties the alleged sexual misconduct was supposed to have involved. It also appears that over

I agree... why include CK in the picture header and not reference him in the article if he is “problematic”? The first two were referenced by name, CK — no mention at all... That feels more “problematic” than anything else.

*edited for punctuation

Has there been any responses to the Jezebel (or was it Splinternews) call for people to come forward about Louis CK? If not, there’s no proof. Why does the site keep condemning by association then? What’s your editorial justification?

I’m curious what the vetting process for these tips will look like.

Eat shit, Cletus.

What the fuck is with their fuckin’ weird ass mouths?

Jesus christ Eric is a horrible looking human being.

As I posted on the previous article:

Pardons only cover federal charges, NOT state. New York, where a significant amount of this fuckery went down, can still prosecute this crime family, assuming they can find handcuffs small enough to fit his tiny baby hands.

Footage of this guy is the best ISIS recruiting video ever.

Dont have to be a baggy jean wearing nerd to not like skinny jeans. Just anything BUT a hipster. Im not a bodybuilder but I lift, ride, run, swim, play sports, etc. As a result there is no way my legs are fitting into anything even remotely hip while still being the correct waist size.

Dont have to be a baggy jean wearing nerd to not like skinny jeans. Just anything BUT a hipster. Im not a