this article is gaslighting me into thinking i need another eye test
this article is gaslighting me into thinking i need another eye test
Lanky Kong?
Gamefreak truly is creatively bankrupt
yet they get sold a year later as playstation hits for £14.99 lol
It’s nowhere near as cluttered as XCX, XC2 and most jrpgs these days
I never had backache until i got one of these dumb gaming chairs
KH1 had a great story as a stand alone game
Superman 64 is bad but flying through rings is fun
And that’s a good thing!
And if you subscribe to Play Plus you get all these games for free! wow!
do people buy the game just to check this stuff. Y’all are pervs
is this the most interesting thing to transpire in destiny 2 since launch or something?
personally, i’ve grown quite fond of Xx_InstakillSephirothSlash69420_xX
If they do make an onimusha sequel i hope it follows jubei like at the end of dawn of dreams
i saw that jump cut into space, nice try round earth activists
Venasaur is a gay icon, and that’s a good thing, here’s why!
You have to pay for the master cycle in BOTW but hey it’s free dlc in mario kart. nintendo logic
Ah so that’s how you unlock the fabled second half of the game
thank god USJ armor is finally becoming available to all. There are some great sets ive been longing to make with some of those pieces from it. It’s just a shame that it isn’t a layered option however.