Kaiju of the Grotto

ugh, another reason to be pissed that Nintendo didn't release a non XL New 3DS in the US!

or dump games/apps that you hated and no longer want!

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the game is still alpha, how can anyone expect perfection from the game in this state?

not just 1 person wants the smaller version though..... i've seen quite a few posts mentioning they rather have the smaller version here and on other sites.

i'm a westerner and rather have the non xl model......

this is a poor choice by square and sony. 1st, ps1 support (disk and psn) should be NO issue for the PS4, especially since it's running an x86 cpu. 2nd, a port of a port should not be used to sell a game on a new console. the "big news" of this version of the game coming out with no real upgrades is a joke and bad

and that's what irks me.... Sega tried to be different with 3 and 6 buttons on the face of the controller, which worked GREAT for arcade ports, and well..... the snes layout + analogs & 2 extra shoulder buttons became standard. Some fighters do cling to the 6 button face layout (or 5 in the case of MK) because it

hated the sony controller lineup for fighters since the original playstation launched. that is why i tend to buy sega Saturn type gamepads or joysticks for fighters. i just hope i can use my PS3 fightstick on this...

i would say they enhanced the 3D assets tremendously. I can see a huge increase compared to SF4

Would LOVE some Dreamcast era games brought back in HD. Shen Mue, Skies of Arcadia, to name a couple...

considering specs between the original and current systems, virtualization should be easy. key word "should" Since the original Xbox used a lot of custom Nvidia components if a free is involved if microsoft wished to virtualize it.

The original xbox ran on an x86 733Mhz Intel Celeron.... The possibility of BC for original Xbox games should be "possible" on the Xbox One. PS1 games on the PS4 should be possible through software emulation alone.

guess you are having some real bad luck, as my Xbox One (and others mentioned here) have worked with zero issue, and I enjoy the UI. Now the PS4's ui is very "meh" and I wish it allowed way more organization/customization. Also wished the PS4 ui would NOT place "links" to the store for apps you do not have installed.

a lost track of how many times my friends and I stayed playing warcraft 2 after work..... on the work network.... which was only possible AFTER the firewall admin when home :)

This one in 1080p is showing at 6-fps for me

I tried reading the review.... really, but could not get beyond to horrible framerates of the animated gifs.... I understand that they are making a comeback, but with the exception of the Naga one at the end, you cannot get a feel for the game at all....

It was upon release of the game... so, online console gaming was limited (I did have a saturn netlink as well)

my friends and i loved 10 player bomberman...... even on a 21" screen (which was VERY hard to play on)