Fallout 4 Noobs.
Fallout 4 Noobs.
“The new studio’s first game is also coming to PC.”
Awesome ! That’s the way you show a game respect !
~Both brilliant masterminds
Also Black books for the win
And one day, maybe, we will have the ability to remove games we have never played from our profile game list..
I would love to see their damn twitter/facebook pages with 0 followers/likes.
F*cking, c*cksucking, disgusting, wretched pieces of human trash.
OMFG konami, get the fuck out of gaming for good and die already.
Please. Please. PLEASE, GET-THE-FUCK-OUT !!!!!!
While it had some issues, I love the ever living shit out of Psychonauts!
But they will probably just ruin the second one.
~Here’s to hoping I’m wrong.
@ 3fps -> no thank you !
Sony never dropping the riddiculous Vita “memory cards” is only helping to kill off the handheld beauty. ~Congradulations R E T A R D S
Sony never dropping the riddiculous Vita “memory cards” is only helping to kill off the handheld beauty.…
While I enjoy outlaw volleyball way more, Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball was pretty fun with friends !
Killable children is an important mod.
Invincible entities only tear you right out of any immersion.
Fallout 1 &2 were excellent I still play them (currently doing h2h only run)
Fallout 3 was decent and I had a lot of fun in it.
Fallout 4 is garbage.
I thought everyone knew this already....
Intel > Amd (for a while)
Nvidia > Amd (for this quarter/gen)
Is this for fucking real ...?
Cut your damned nails Fahey ! NOW !
Well to be fair, it really is hilarious..
“plenty of good stuff out there”
Epic trolling Sean !
Aaah yea fool ! Time to break out the tiny psVita TV !!