
So, a Trump loving guy just happens to kill a mafia crime boss while Trump has allegedly been nefariously involved with the mafia doing shady deals with them for decades all while the Mueller investigation is digging into Trump Organization business dealings.

I love when people complain about my gun commentary. Please continue: (BTW, if my meme irritates you more than people being shot....well, just think about that.)

I felt a pang of jealousy reading this news last night. I hope it reminds voters we don’t have to be the country of no. I’m really sick of being told we CAN’T do anything about stuff. Can’t solve gun violence, can’t address income inequality, can’t give people healthcare - fuck that. And that goes for Republicans as

When I was in college and still a practicing Muslim (not a great practitioner, more of a please-forgive-all-these-sins-I’m-definitely-committing type; your standard fare Easter-and-Xmas-Only Christian), I used to have a lot of people get uncomfortable when they had seen my Qur’an.

New Zealander here and long time Gawker reader.This is an absolute gut-punch. The TV is saying up to 27 people shot. This stuff just doesn’t happen here. The whole country is in shock, the prime minister just spoke, she looked like a ghost. I hope this doesn’t end our innocence as a society. I hope those in a position

Are you fucking serious with this entitled bullshit? Sakurai has had to go to the hospital multiple times and continued to work while in his hospital room and here you are complaining that he isn’t working hard enough because Smash takes more than a year to release.


The collaboration with Ford is already paying dividends.

I’m Nazi’ing the problem here.

With Lori Loughlin involved in this, I think it’s safe to say that this scandal is going to be everywhere you look.

“We are going to squeeze every last drop out of this scandal.”

I wish he’d just try Craigslist and truck stops like the rest of us and stop making his shitty opinions known on social media.

“Have you ever seen AOC drink a glass of water?”

I got a real kick out of that, but I hop the paraglider wasn’t hurt.

Wow, Mr. Roth doing an antisemitism by not mentioning her frequent invocation of that traditional Jewish prayer, “I am John McCain’s daughter.”

Pregnancy is a potential consequence of sex. If a man isn’t prepared to accept that his sexual partner may choose an abortion, he shouldn’t have sex.

It’s almost as if everything they ever say is in bad faith and meant solely to advance their objective at that moment. 

You’re just kink shaming.