
It is because we spent so much time teaching a whole generation that “racism is bad” instead of “doing X, thinking X, institutionalizing X is bad.” So you’ve got a large amount of people who are racist as hell, but get genuinely pissed off when you accuse them of it because they’ve internalized racism as bad, but they

For fuck’s sakes.

“White supremacists are American citizens. The illegal immigrants are people who shouldn’t be here.”

I will not presume to speak for our Native American citizens, but if I were Native (and I am not), I’d be so goddamned hacked off at this statement that I’d probably spit fire. Every single time some dipshit howls about

You're forgetting the minor detail that nearly every American is a moron.

Did I read somewhere that the average teacher spends almost $2000 of their own money to fund their classroom with basics? 

Goddamn this country has a lot of racist cruel bastards.

“We wanted all of our kids to grow up learning that fairness, justice, equality, and truth were important virtues. Now they all believe that shit and we have no idea where they’re getting it from!”

Using this against him during the election would require them to admit that wearing blackface is offensive.

Gamers are just the biggest fucking babies.

Classic self burn.

I’ll never understand the American workers willingness to trust in the humanity of one rich asshole over the efforts of a union or even elected officials in government.

i don’t get why people make such a fuss over unions. what two laborers do in their own homes is none of my business.

Shouldn’t it be “thin as piss on a Stone”?

How does it feel

Yeah...we’re not talking about the kind of people who have enough money to buy and rehab a used boat here. Not even close.

That’s what was claimed when the search warrants first broke--but I don’t know, he seems pretty mixed up in the Falwell/pool boy scenario too.

I have to think at this point that the people trotted out for these things are starting to worry themselves about their personal criminal liability if they outright lie.

When the head of the terrorist cell we interviewed, he said

To all the idiots decrying the lack of comprehensive insurance and the need for the GoFundMe, you’re idiots. Insurance will never, NEVER, pay the cost of full replacement due to things like vehicle depreciation and liability decisions. That’s doubly true for a car that still has payments left on it. The payout goes