
I’ll take PAC money if they need someone to give it to, or charity they could give money to charity. 

That’s ok you borrow mine

A Kenyan immigrant no less *eye roll*

I’ll put good money on someone trying to float that they HAD to cheat admissions because the AA kids took up spots they should have had otherwise.

Fake hieroglyphics, I bet you believe everything Set says you Kek cuck.

DonJ needs a daddy so so badly. 

We will see how the rank and file Republicans fall in or out of line when he shuts the government down during an election year.

He didn’t wear one yet, the Star Wars stories take place a long time ago.

Nope, all she hears after the ineffable shrieks that are the language of the ancient and forgotten gods as they perform their unknowable machinations from the eternal void. Even now Gol’ Shrabyath stirs within the crystal prison beyond time, but coming up first is Sean Hannity.

You don’t really think the biblical literalists want you to take the bible literally do you?

Maybe kink shaming is their kink. 

Pistols at dawn! 

Yeah they really botched the circumcision.

We already made Robocop AND Robocop 2 I don’t see why we're even still making movies.  Cinema is obviously resolved as a medium. 

If the academy weren't such cowards I'd say they should televise the technical awards and not televise the actors.  I want to know who the real Best Boy was this year. 

“Brown people don't matter." -Fox News

I’m not an alcoholic,  I'm a socialist- communist drinker. 

Well they can’t win if they don’t cheat and they had to have help to cheat at the level they’re at now.

I bet the families of the people he murdered feel very bad about his feelings getting hurt.