
I hear its pretty fuel efficient, 8 hectares to 1 litre of kerosene.

So the NDA mentions that Daniels has texts and pictures. So definitely an affair that is totally made up but please don’t release the dick pics and sad pleading texts (I’m assuming the texts but I’m sure about the dick pics). They’re so bad at this, like cartoonishly bad. Now I wish someone would press these guys on

I wonder if Kanye is acting out because he didn’t get the pulitzer.

So New Yorkers, has Giuliani always been like this or did he have a stroke at some point?

R.I.P. Da Mooch, it was a great couple of days.

First off, this asshole can fuck right off.

I’m genuinely surprised they didn’t go after Wolfe for saying fuck.

Crazy terms on subprime car loans, sounds like there’s a Millenial housing bubble.

Waiting until the time is right to strike again.

Yeah he broke into a gamestop, not the Met. They have a picture of his face and stupid criminals will do more stupid crime so a det or a uniform may try to lift prints but that’s about it. A simple b and e is not going to get a forensic team in to investigate, they’ve got murders to work.

I’ll make a safe bet he pays call girls to throw lunch meat at him while they yell passages from The Fountainhead at him. What a time to be alive.

Cazy time the 90s. Subaru will never make another 22b. Nissan will never make another 400r and Mitsubishi will never make another good car.

What liberal utopia did these folks grow up in where their education and all the media they took in skewed so far left. That sure wasn’t what I grew up with.

I remember when the right wing hated the Simpsons and comic books. What parallel universe are we living in.

Well the Saturday Night Massacre didn’t work out so hot for Nixon and he was a popular president (at the time).

Can you imagine how much George Soros is paying the FBI for all this. Good thing he’s got all those space rubies from the reptile home world.

Those who are cavalier about death have never known it.

BUT they’re fuckin’ swearing on the damn tv! Shit Linda, it pissed me off.

Has anyone tried saying Hannity’s name backwards at him so the curse will be lifted and he’ll have to go back under his bridge?

The weapons of capitalism are real and scary and dangerous (when being used against the right)