
The thing about massage is cost unless you can find someone to do it for free.

increase the ISO

Math Alarm Clock app for my phone

a USB power bank charger if it even counts.

ahh ok, my bad

Odd, there was Full Fat milk in the my newspaper here but not in that bar graph.

This is what i think.

great shortcut, never knew that

Right click on any link and select save link as or save target as

another rarely used but sometimes useful is Windows Key + Break


for image searching you can use google goggles if you're on android


Hmm i don't really agree.

Another scratch removal method is to use car wax

if there's not internet connection, usually you don't even have your browser open


anyone know of a mp3 tagger that uses the audio signatures like in soundhound?

i do prefer catch.com

there's also konboot if you used a fairly hard password