
Interesting info but I don’t see how that’s something of concern at the presidential debates. Are we really stuck on such minutiae when we have larger policies to debate over? Maybe it’s just me. Probably a good thing I skipped watching the debates. Save myself some grief.  

/looks around

Oh, I know. Who wasn’t named in the Panama Papers?

If he was going to invade, the least he could have done was taken the IRS’s oil.

Because it’s not tax evasion. It’s actually something that anyone who claims a substantial loss has to do because the IRS limits the amount of a loss someone can take on their tax return to a certain percentage/dollar amount.

Because thanks to the politicians creating loopholes to help the wealthy avoid paying taxes he’s probably in the clear as far as tax evasion.

Perhaps you should look up what the acronym UEFA stands for.

I guess I’ll always be completely stumped as to why people would pay for this system when you could build one with the exact same performance for literally half the price. Does the thought of putting your own parts together intimidate people? I just don’t know. 

operators being trained?

I mean, I get that. But at some point we’re going to have to divorce ourselves from the biological imperative to keep breeding.

Hell even the “Evil Empire” USSR owned up to it when their fighters shot down KAL 007.

Since when does a civilian aircraft flying over international waters In a designated civilian air corridor on a scheduled flight lists to notary frequencies .

Really? It took us a decade to offer money to the victims, 20k for women 30k for men how progressive! we never admited to doing anything wrong, we still blamed the airliner for flying over our ship in the ocean and gave the captian of the ship the naval cross for bravery

A “pro-Russian rebel group” that controls a town does not necessarily mean that the Russian government approved/endorsed/sanctioned an attack on a civilian airliner.

PES 20006: 10/10 Game of the Millennium

Don’t forget Totti from fifa! I think he’s said this is his last season though...

But I’m sure some dweebs were hurting theirs. That makes her an accessory.

Kindly, link to this video everytime that “Writer” BKB speaks of golazo.

Different players though. Essien wasn’t as good as Makelele at strictly holding down DM, but he was better all around.

Now playing

Been done. On GameCube no less 15 years ago.