
People are just stupid. The world has gotten pussified my friend. Everyone’s feelings must be protected.

I’ve always been bemused by declaring words (or now gestures) as banned.

Just like all laws, it is only a crime if you get caught.

Easier to clean up than shitting softly I suppose.

I think they look like reptiles. Creepy little fuckers.

“Never usually”

This is why I encourage everyone to train in hand to hand combat and/or carry a weapon, and never be naive. Always be aware of your surroundings. You can assume that there are predators out seeking targets, especially in a place like Central Park at night. A shame for this young mans mishap, but now it's time for

I figured it was just the last shipment of S7's.

This is a dumb post. All of those goals were solid, and if it were anyone else scoring them there would barely be a reason to make note of them at all, other than scoring 4 in a half is damn impressive.

So glad he was quick to settle and take a shot. So many times it seems players prefer to distribute the ball rather than pull the trigger. Beautiful hit right in the 7.

Oh well.. I’ve lived a good life.

Not sure about Trinidad’s rums being 3 stars but this bad boy goes down very nicely with cranberry juice. The non-spiced version pairs well with coke, ginger ale or coconut water.

well damn it

I’m late to this sous vide game, so forgive me if this is a dumb question. Cooking things in soft plastic squicks me out - has the process been tested to ensure there’s no leaching of plasticizers? Some researchers I’ve worked with in the lipids field don’t even like samples stored in plastic, so cooking things with

The level of hyperbole Iv’e seen describing Barcelona beating up on Celtic is surprising. Fans must have been very nervous after the Alaves loss to be so hyped by what amounts to Barca rolling a 2nd/3rd division side.

No articles about Barcelona losing to fucking Alaves??

He is like an Argentina National Team Higuain... except all of the time.

I’m not disputing that some athletes have advantages over others. I don’t think drug use should be one of them.

The prevalence of TUEs is a real story. It’s not about doping per se, but can we at least admit there’s a problem when over half of the very best athletes in the world - presumably pinnacles of health in the prime of their careers - need theraputic use exemptions because they’re just so goddamn unhealthy?


Also, a weekend when an actual, honest-to-god bicycle-kick occurs for once, and he remains silent.