
They probably wouldn’t fold in such an organized manner. Besides, all those Sovereign Confederate States have their armed citizenry, just waiting for any chance to prove to the world that you really can take guns out of cold, dead hands.

“I have seen a family go hungry because the 4th wasn’t as big as was expected.”

If you meet more than three assholes in one day, you might be the asshole...

It’s a Jeep Thing You Wouldn’t Unearth Sand

+1 Mouse

Sweep the legs???

Thank you. You’ve expressed my POV exactly.

Wrong rover. This is opportunity. It has been there for more than 10 years. It wasn’t built to climb mountains.

Thanks for making me shit my pants Ria - I thought Oppy was a gonner.

There - fixed it for you.

12 years ago, while at a friend’s christmas party, I met a Nuclear Engineer and his wife, a health physicist. Immediately fascinated by their amazing personalities we too became fast friends. Perhaps it is because of the years of conversations I’ve had with them. Perhaps it’s just because I

Damnit, I was going to say the exact same thing. Nevermind that coal power kills more people due to pollution and coal mining than nuclear power ever has (including any and all accidents).

And as someone who spent 8 years in the Navy working with Nuclear power, stories like this just irritate the hell out of me.


*a lot of the highly vocal Americans are stupid.

Most people are also stupid.

Most Americans are also stupid

Yeah - no you meat head.

Sorry but, just last week I saw someone get kicked out and banned from my gym for doing this. IT DAMAGES THE EQUIPMENT. Look at the treadmill screen in the video! IT SAYS ERROR!!!

Apparently most treadmills are friction driven - meaning friction between the drive shaft/ main roller and belt is

Unfortunately I was not so lucky as you to get such an early diagnosis. And I too suffer many if not all of the after effects you seem to be attributing to DRD/ Dyslexia.

While I appreciate the intent of the site, it significantly overstates the stereotypical ways that dyslexia sometimes manifests, while ignoring some of the more significant ways it effects daily life.

I was diagnosed with severe dyslexia in second grade, and struggled through school all the way through my