
“Oh Boy...”

The short list of truly amazingreluctant hero” characters is pretty much only “Dr. Sam Beckett”. Period.

And I think the nicest ending that series could have had was the dark sad swift kick to soft and tenders that we got. I still can’t hear “Georgia on my mind” without having to fight off a whole cadre

I’ve had it for 1 year. It hasn’t really grown any. The green fleshy cactus part is now a dull shade of well, browner green, but it didn’t used to be brown - I have pictures. The dirt doesn’t seem to retain water like it used to. I water it once a week and before the soil would soak up and hold the water now it all

Would the same apply to a 4 foot tall golden barrel cactus? It was a gift from a friend and I think I need to swap it out - but I have no clue what I’m doing. 

OK dumb question - where do you get the flavor pack? While plan ramen is edible, it is always far better with the flavor pack. So I do see where/ how you end up with a surplus.

A quick google didn’t help either. 

As a lifelong pocket puffer — this is all basic how too. I had my kids trained form day one.

Exhale for 10 (counting down)
Inhale for 10 (counting up)
Hold for 10 (counting down)

Sing the ABC’s

Exhale for 10 (counting down)
Inhale for 10 (counting up)
Hold for 10 (counting down)

Anyone here


Ok - Why pick the first MCU movie with a female lead? Why not wait until End Game?

Did they not learn anything from Wonder Woman? The market is there - but - will it follow into a new very limited streaming service? Probably not. 

Ok this is a whole sack of nuts crazy.

So she wants the rock dust used to prove its authenticity back? Which had she not had done would have meant she spent nearly a grand for just a bag, and the bag wouldn’t be worth $2/4 Million in the first place.

Second - Was she billed for the testing that verified the

I’m interested but... I want like american cheesy cheese wiz and this sounds more like a “pub cheese”. Am I wrong? Has anyone made this yet? 

Thule is also an Air Force base... You taking this umbridge up with the pentagon? Oh the pentagon - you know that’s a pagan symbol co-oped by Satan worshipers. Better make them change it.

OK —- Life long punisher fan. I used to pay my brother to buy them for me because the guy behind the counted didn’t want to sell them to a kid so young (even though they weren’t on the 18+ shelf).

Dirty secrete, I liked the Punisher’04. Yes it strayed from the books - BUT - it gave it a grounding in reality that the

Not to mention their cute little doggy - Cal.

How do I learn more about that type of paleo-future art?

I’ve always loved these images, and those of the NASA space stations and all. And I’d love to study it, and learn more, and maybe even collect some. But I don’t know where to start!

Now if you’re looking for a fast way to clear your car - Alcohol water spray and Survival Space Blanket. Think of it as the opposite of a sun shade.  

A squirt bottle with 2 parts isopropyl alcohol 1 part water is your winter friend. Blast your windshield every time you get out of your car.  

Then get one of those mylar

Nope, No, Nutuh, No Way - I call BS.

I have lived in New England for many, many years now. I understand why the eskimos have 124 words for snow. And the instances where this would work are rare and few.

First, you’ll need dry powdery snow which requires a consistent cold. The kind of cold you’ll only see in the heart

TRUE STORY - when my sister got divorced her ex, Dick (not his name just who he is) hired a caterer for her. Once a week they’d come in, stock her kitchen with a list of basics and then fill the fridge and freeze with heat and eat meals. All mostly comfort food. Meat loaf, Mac and Cheese, broccoli cheddar ziti, that

Seriously - Who the hell forgets the king of hell’s mom on a list of MOST ICONIC TV WITCHES!!!!

Wow - I sent this same message as a text this morning to my dad who has decided to shelter in place.

I’d like to make 3 additions:

Point Zero - Remember, you’re the tourist. Yes our economy is buoyed by your money. That does not mean shit. Yes we will accommodate your needs. Yes we will smile and be polite. HOWEVER - that’s only if you accommodate our needs and are polite to us. You are “From Away”. You may be called “OA”, or “Away”, or CFA/ FA

Ok - Not to be a jackass conspiracy theory guy - which totally means I’m about to be a jackass conspiracy theory guy but;

1. Is no one else questioning why we don’t see his face? I find it odd he’s wearing a shemagh-esk head wrapping mask. “Damn it I don’t want to hike all the way in there and get shot at with arrows.