
He comes to a Stop, at a Yield, when the road was clear. Yes mom was tailgating, but dude needs to learn to drive before he goes for a ride.

I came floating by, and thought I’d stop and comment but man is it dead in here.

Just came here to say, this is the most lifehackery article I have seen on lifehacker in some time!

Keep up the good work!!!

I’d like to say the same thing about every teacher she has ever had....ever.

Unless the health bar was all like “Silly game, Left Bed = false, he’s asleep in bed, how can he be suffocating - I’m not taking hit points for that!” Just saying.

Knock an extra layer of blocks out of your ceiling and see if it happens again.

As an avid XBOX player I need to ask a few questions to diagnose this problem.

Is the general area where you keep reappearing located above your bed?
Is the room where your bed is at least 4 blocks tall, meaning between floor and ceiling 4 blocks?

Absynth - I drank some real shit once, and I was gone for days. Maybe it was Absynth.

Well... I got your joke, and I thought it was funny.

Yeah - no you meat head.

Sorry but, just last week I saw someone get kicked out and banned from my gym for doing this. IT DAMAGES THE EQUIPMENT. Look at the treadmill screen in the video! IT SAYS ERROR!!!

Apparently most treadmills are friction driven - meaning friction between the drive shaft/ main roller and belt is

I am not a religious man, but if there is a heaven - I know my devout catholic grandfather is in it. And as a very successful OBGYN, he often felt tremendous guilt in having brought some children into this world.

So the cockles of my heart are warmed by the thought that his heaven would be punishing these parents to

While I understand there is no clearly defined plank in anyone’s platform, I think, with a little research it is quite clearly obvious who is not only Space-phobic (Anti-Space?) but who is also Anti-Science (Truth-phobic)

There obviously isn’t a republican willing to go on record as believing in climate change or

Ok, I’m voting Bernie - so you will understand where I’m coming from...

As does “I can type words” - good for you by the way. I know it was hard.

I agree, what an asshole yesterday me was huh!?

Please feel free to print this out and hold it close to your chest. I know your mom’s basement can be cold this time of year. Perhaps your failed efforts at trolling will keep you warm in the real world too.

I’d like to apologize to you.

Thank you for being so flexible.

From a science standpoint... it depends on your diet and your microbiome.

The principals are clear -

From one Pats fan to another...are you sure snarky comments on an internet thread about the release of pressurized gas are a good idea? ;-)