
I heard on a podcast recently (and I wish I could remember which one) about a Chinese scientist in the late 1800's who was able to discern that there was definitely some kind of connection between vermin and disease - he instructed those who would listen that they should stop bringing their livestock in the house,

My favorite story about the plague is the guy who noticed that the plague seemed worse in places that had a lot of rats, and went on to theorize that the illness was caused by the planet Jupiter which, as we all know, controls the behavior of rats. You were *this close*.

This statement is pretty ignorant of how pandemics work, and vastly downplaying the dangers of this virus. It’s not all about you, as an individual, or your personal family.

The reason to alter our patterns of behavior is to slow the spread of the disease so health care systems can catch up; thereby helping to protect people who are more vulnerable than yourself.

I would say that the Constitution does protect their speech but it’s a “pound of flesh without a single drop of blood” situation.

Exactly. What people don’t seem to understand is that the first amendment is in no way absolute. The purpose is to allow you to speak out against the government, not a free pass to say whatever the hell you want wherever you want.

I’ve honestly been thinking about this a lot lately, particularly when I try to click on some NYT or Washington Post article someone shares and find myself unable to read it because you have to have a subscription. I tried to watch the Impeachment Hearing on my work computer on MSNBC, which involved going to their

The kneel thing is puzzling, but after getting the news from the senate (it no longer deserves capitalization) that no witnesses will be called, I find the ability to stand  without having a spine even more amazing.

Bro. You’re seriously going to say the more than half of white men and women (especially men) who voted for Trump needed the vanishingly small number of black MAGA-ites in order to get him in the Oval Office.

Getz is offended because someone else is using one of their favorite weapons. Identifying a group by race/gender in this context is almost always meant to marginalize or taint said group’s actions - which this buttfuck and his white bread’ren have done for decades.

You say he’s apologized for the Anita Hill hearing, and ask what else can he do? He can withdraw his candidacy. That’s what he can do. I watched the Thomas confirmation hearings and I was furious back then. I’m even more enraged now, and I am far from being the only woman who is. That doddering, senile, patriarchal,

I never understand this“we don’t need to go at each other’s throats” mentality.

This is all so stupid. Asking something who makes two mutually exclusive statements two minutes apart from each other if they forgot what they just said two minutes ago isn’t a personal attack. It’s pointing out that they, in fact, made conflicting statements two minutes apart.

Just one thing.

I knew that the usual suspects in the Times, WaPo etc. would be accusing castro of being a meanie but goddammit they outdid themselves with the shovelful of bullshit they’ve printed. Do they think Trump is going to take it easy on him?

Hey look! He figured it out! Mostly?

I am sending this link to my son, with a membership to his local gym attached.

I should have been clear. There was a Reuters/Ipsos poll taken immediately after the first tweet - but prior to the rally - that one showed his support rising among Republicans (5 points over the last time they took the poll 10 weeks ago), maybe this is the headline you saw. But falling with independents and

That’s the things that gets me: they never say it to other white people. Like, there is “America, love it or leave it,” but that is rhetorically different than “go back to .”

Geraldo got a taste of what these wypipo are serving (the main course, no entree, no dessert) on Faux & Fascists? I bet he did Nazi that coming.