
That’s kind of the problem, yeah? There were like 3 or 4 games I want to get (not counting something like KH3, which we’ve been seeing for a while now, and Nier which is a port of a game I already have on PS4 and PC, although I am interested in the new edition), and none of them are going to require me buying their

That whole conference felt like watching somebody reheat a meal in the microwave. It wasn’t even like what they showed was bad, it was just starting it in the exact same way, showing the exact same games, not really announcing many more major new titles, it all just felt weird.

Thanks. Narelle filed prior to the announcement but we should have caught it. We have now thanks to you! Though the trailer I’m seeing says Sept 27.

Yeah I don’t really understand this either. Almost all of these are games made by third party developers. I mean I know Microsoft has a hand in getting them to market (approving the finished product, addressing hardware related bugs, setting up multiplayer servers, etc) but I would hardly lay the credit or blame at

Announced literally less than 24 hours (actually only around 18 hours as I type this) ago , so you can sort of forgive them missing it...

I’m finding it kinda odd how “Microsoft delivered” on the works of other publishers, especially multiplatform ones. They didn’t really ‘do’ anything except showcase their (usually multiplatform) games as part of their presentation. Sorry if I sound super sarcy, it was just kinda odd to present it like that (IMO).

To be fair, a lot of these “promises” are just games with most of these games not even being exclusive thus they have no real promise to keep concerning them.

Anyone who has ever left a meeting with 45 has evidenced surety that it went according to their lights. Only to be radically disappointed, later.

There is a difference when the game implicitly features the rampant murder of children. GTA, whatever its merits and flaws, focuses its violence on adults.

I mean sure this game lets you play as an active shooter purposefully but there are plenty of times I played as an active shooter in GTA as well. Nothing like going on a mass killing spree and then getting into a chase and holing myself up inside the strip club while I mow people down. What are people’s take on this?

around the same time that shame disappeared or became and ugly word. we are free to do or say anything......the internet fucked ruined us

Good thing there are no anime boobies in this game or it might not have met Steam’s “community standards.”

Nah. I like that TR has become darker. It always unnerved me how Nathan Drake would be so quippy while sadistically murdering hundreds of people.

What stable geniuses. This must have been staged, right? Nobody with this little impulse control could stay out of jail much less in business.

I quit my last job because it was a hell hole. It was taking a toll on my emotional and physical health, and it had to stop. I'm so glad that I left - most of the people there are really hurting, and it shows.

I have always heard that you should not leave a job until you have another one to replace it. Knowing a few people who left their jobs and are always asked, why did you leave at every job interview since doing so and seeing job applications that want detailed explanations of any employment gap of three months or

According to these guys- time to take a look around.

You can either coast in the short term, which will inevitably be bad in the long term. Or you can put your resume out there and see if you can get any offers. Personally, I've always seen a boost in career growth every time I've changed jobs. It shouldn't be a scary thing.

So what do you do when your performance exceeds your peers and your manager tells you this, but you have no real interest in the job/company itself and don't want your managers job?