Kotaku posts videos with Girl's Day in it. Best gaming website confirmed :^)
Kotaku posts videos with Girl's Day in it. Best gaming website confirmed :^)
Every day is Girl's Day guiz
vote: Microsoft Sidewinder X4
IGN also has a good video that catches a lot of stuff in this trailer.
while I do agree Kotaku East has some strange and irrelevant content on gaming, what else do you expect at that time of night? When there is breaking news on gaming related news in Asia, Kotaku East usually talks about it. Other than that, they really can't just put up articles when nothing is happening. Every other…
You guys are missing the one Xbox exclusive that is a part of that 1600 MS point deal. Gears of War: Judgment IS a part of that deal for whoever is reading the comments. Amazing deal if you are thinking of getting the dlc that's probably going to come out for the game. You also get the Alex Brand skin for preordering.
what happened to the title?!
look at the lower left at 2:57 though. Ubisoft messed up haha
just some advice: hold Start and Select before you play a DS game. It shrinks the image so it's the original resolution of the game. It seriously is like day and night when I did it playing Pokemon Black.
I know right. Why put a picture of Uncharted 3 if it's not one of the deals. I think they probably confused it with Max Payne 3.
so many spelling errors... #corrections
wow the Xbox dashboard comes out December 6, then two days later the big 3DS update will drop. New updates week!
Most of the time it's Best Buy because of their Reward Zone membership. Buying three games and getting $10-$15 back is a pretty good deal. The only time I buy from Gamestop is if they have a pre order bonus of a game I know I want, such as Arkham City :)
More than $150 for Guitar Hero World Tour, but the most I've spent on a game I've liked is $100 for the Batman Arkham Asylum Collector's Edition
I bought Red Dead Redemption at Walmart for $30 without waking up early. :) I also got Assassin Creed 2 for "free" at Gamestop with their Buy 2 get 1 free sale.
@Taggart6: yes you can change the voices to the japanese ones. just go to the options :)
Perfect review Stephen I thought about buying the kinect but there are just no games that really make me want it. I definitely will buy kinect sometime though because the technology is there.
@D-K: gahhh I'm going to pre order it in full tomorrow. oh is the online really hard to get into? haha Ign said that the people online are already really good.
Ultimate Ninja Storm 2! I've been waiting for that game for nearly a year!
@Killer_WaLrUs: the reach maps come out in november. the promotion ends on Oct. 31 so you have to think of something else to buy. yeah it's actually pretty hard to think of ways to spend 2400 points :P