
Im hoping we’ll see that rumored Level 5 new game soon

He skipped them because they’re almost purely on the collectible side. They do not have a game of their own, and interact with multiple nintendo games instead. It’s a different thing entirely. There’s almost no reason to NOT buy Amiibo if you like nintendo properties. Collectible figures of equivalent quality, cost

Generally though, Torb deals very little damage by himself, his Rivet gun or w/e unless he’s in ult mode is slow firing, slow bullet speed, fairly low damage (not counting the shotgun shot but that only does any damage at point blank practically) So his turret being really powerful is important.

This is a well warranted, “Fuck yes”

I will say, my older i5 had no serious issues. The occasional dip from 60 to around 45, for a second or so, but nothing major. Had a bunch of fun playing for 5 days till Fallout came out. I’ll swing back by after I’m...”done”....there.

I really need Ni No Kuni to be playable on the Ps4, download or disc, I don’t care. lol

Not that I can speak directly of playing it, since it may or may not have an NDA, but I was <b> hearing rumors </b> of queues being way too long....

I believe the problem with scripting it was inconsistencies in the formatting that needed to be fixed as well, while copying it over. I guess you could script it out and then read through it all anyway, but that’d be just about as long.

The real plus would be looking at this gorgeous game with an Occulus Rift when they get it working on foot.

But did we get a #wondershot moment for the speedrun like we did at AGDQ 2014?

You can also use Google Cardboard and watch it on your phone with head-motion tracking

Only problem I have with Octonauts is they often tell factually wrong information. Close, but wrong.

First few games against him I felt the same, but once I played against him a bit, stun and run is the name of the game, if you can.

I had alpha/beta access for the PC version, but the first few times I tried to play, no one else was on and I couldn’t get a game :(. Gave up after that but now maybe it’s worth a shot.

Missed a great chance for a Dad joke Fahey. I am disappoint.

Pretty much, yeah.

People actually playing help. the “people in lane” number counts people who aren’t actively playing. They still contribute, just very very little. If you get all ~1500 players in a game actively clicking, you can progress extremely quickly.

The matchmaking is due for a pass as well shortly, one of the big things being 0 = 0 support rule, where if a team has 0 supports, it will only get matched to another team with 0 supports. (Not counting premades). I think it will help a bit, but then not all supports are created equal either.

But chen is here too, with then same split mechanics. :P