
Generally it’s better start playing against the AI if you’re completely new. The AI can still be a challenge for true new players, but is more predictable in what it’s going to do once you learn them. Also most of the time your team is more forgiving to a learning player when playing against the AI, since that’s what

Isn’t this the one gamers were complaining about heavily because the “advertised” heroine is gone for half of the game or some such, and replaced with a generic emotionless blob character?

More importantly. Microsoft, if you want to re-affirm your "dedication to PC gaming"....we're waiting.

Intel keeps talking about how they're going to shake up the SSD industry soon. Lets wait and see!

Whoa whoa whoa, lets not forget Dino Thunder yellow. She freaks you out.

There are starter packs with a ton of champions in the stores as well..... did you try those? :P

which he didn't have enabled, and is trying to enable now, but can't.

More importantly, it's time to announce the PC Version with steam workshop support for maps.

That's the point, toxicity drops if you're playing with friends INSTEAD of pubs.

Wouldn't work, he's streaming the direct spectator feed which has no watermarks, no face cams, it's just literally the game, through the game's own API.

Mastering characters gives you "elite" skins for free. Seems about the same to me.

It's honestly no more lack of content then any other AAA FPS on the market at launch. People "prestige" CoD for 300 hours I think they can handle this.

Idk about being built for it. The game as it is, is pretty full dish. The current planned more hunters/more monsters is really no worse than planned map packs for other games.. I actually prefer them, since they're more optional. If I don't buy a hunter/monster, I just can't play as that character. If I don't buy a

For the....business model of cosmetic skins at launch and planned DLC? It's not even day one DLC you guys. Get it together.

I need to know, do most basic zombies die in one or two head hits? Dead Island always bugged me that I could chop into a zombie's head with a machete and it'd take off a "chunk of zombie HP" instead of just kill the thing. The fun of basic horde zombies is that they don't have some arbitrary HP number to whittle down,

I played in the Big Alpha a couple of months ago and I shared the sentiment of some of the other posters, but...Since then I haven't been able to wait to play again. Take that as you will honestly. It's nice that when I have friends, we can play as the hunters and it's fun with competent people/friends you can make

While great for more casual play and "Realism", it doesn't make sense when it's bouncing off your forcefield. It's also bad because it essentially makes it impossible to respond to fire consistently, except by running away.

Except there's been other Smite tournaments while the game was in Beta. Technically the 3rd International was the First after release. Everything else apparently doesn't count for this metric. (Since Smite's pre-release tournaments don't count).

Shoulda just done some Evolve! I'll be out playing tonight, seeing if I can actually lose a match tonight.

Skip. Wait for Battlefront :P