We can. Yes. Actually Del Toro was apparently so moved by the Make a Wish appearance Ron Perlman did, he actively began developing the 3rd film properly... I have high hopes it will see the light of day (hell)....
We can. Yes. Actually Del Toro was apparently so moved by the Make a Wish appearance Ron Perlman did, he actively began developing the 3rd film properly... I have high hopes it will see the light of day (hell)....
Jeff Goldblum didn't sign up for this!!!
Honestly, if You stick with it, it discards tradition in favour of something altogether new... It really plays with the basic conventions of FF games and mashes them into something really sinister and dark. Keep playingggg!!! :P
You can find plenty of HD mimics in Dark Souls! They super freaky!!!
The age of consoles being Ready at launch is well and truly over.
but but but what does that have to do with seeing links hat... surely you still see links hat? I'm confuzzled
Penny Arcade is as painful as ever...
Well, Kotaku are sure being nice about all this.
Oh... Again ?? Right...
Oh.. There's a list? Wow... No. This guy sounded like he was some kid, telling a story about this amazing thing he did... Except he is sort of just making it up as he goes along... " and then the car flipped, and yeah we all totally hooked up with models and yeah of course I plan on finishing my work on the garage, I…
It's frightening how little I play home consoles any more... the 3DS is king, in my gaming landscape. My Vita needs a huge injection of... I dunno, real games that aren't ports and remakes... but the point is that once these two handhelds both have great libraries, I'll be handheld gaming 4ever!
Haha, I know right?
Nah, Vita needs to get better games than this! COME ON SONY!!! A good addition... but I want more, newer, fresher titles!
Oh WOW.... (Pun Intended)...
Haha, I think he knows his game has 'made it' already ;)
I don't think he Miyazaki owes any of his fans anything, so I am happy for him to do as he pleases... he already created a lot of my top ten favourite films of all bloody time! He is a visionary, and a genius.
The thought of a whole bunch of gamers, quick to anger, slow to care... Making this man lose his job??? It still makes me sick.
You can really feel the fatigue in this review...