No RE again...? Shame... One of the best reads... Maybe someone else should take the mantle? Didn't mike do it a few times??
No RE again...? Shame... One of the best reads... Maybe someone else should take the mantle? Didn't mike do it a few times??
"Google translate this ain't"
I know I should be more cold and unfeeling, but I actually feel sorry for Nintendo about this. It's just the culture we live in I guess... Everyone wants the most views, hits, comments... So it doesn't matter what the consequences of their actions are... I guess some will say that it's just a game... Oh vell.
Did you even watch the trailer dood? It totally said it has the Japanese audio. Fear not my feathered friend.
Well.. Even if this did happen at least when acting out GTA 5 he wouldn't be able to locate where he was or actually aim at anyone he was trying to "bonk" with his potato gun!
What is this new trend of people saying 'no?' At the end of a sentence? As if we are all pretending to sound Italian? It's really stupid, no?
Urm... No? No I haven't.
Beyond a real passion to report, and to inform about videogames... Every journalist wants that topical, controversial story... This is pure flame bait. Jason is the worst offender on Kotaku... He used to be the RPG guy but he barely makes the effort anymore, apart from prattling on about weird PSP games he likes over…
Oh dear... Not cut out for this industry then, eh Fish?
"Hopefully attached to his left arm"
Spaz...? Really?
You're pathetic. Just as bad as The Sun or Fox... Media that Kotaku constantly mocks... There is NO compassion here for the victim, and even a hint of humour?? Vile practice.
Hold on... Where is the part at the end that rants about video games being used as a scape goat in these crimes. For some reason I can visualise the author sniggering while writing this, just because its to do with the Wii? And that picture?!?
Read the prequel graphic novel if you can.
Everytime I see a comment like this, I get envious of the secret screening I seem to have missed out on...
This comment, I love
I don't get it... What's care catch?