Haha, sweet! jolly good show Microsoft.
Haha, sweet! jolly good show Microsoft.
I got more of a snarky feel from that comic... as if they were poking fun at people who enjoy the series, with some not very funny dialogue...
My guess would be that Dragon Quest 11 will revert to a more IX style, concerning multiplayer. Although this hasn't been a massive flop, and although the subscription payments will most likely make up for where game sales missed targets, it's safe to say this hasn't been a traditional DQ cake walk... Shame. I honestly…
Thank you so much Stephen, this was an absolutely wonderful read! A brilliant interview! Very much looking forward to Pikmin 3, and have always been... and I can't get enough of such natural and informative interviews.
Haha I love this article. I love the villager too, he DOES look utterly terrifying! The moment he nets Mario in the trailer... And th glint in his eye... Haha, amazing!
This looks so absolutely terrible and yet I will be downloading it!
"I'm the caaaaaaat I'm THE CAAAAAAT" STFU
I can't believe people are being such bitches about this. It's just funny! VERY funny! I can't wait to play as her and have her shouting 'Keep it up, feel the burn!" Haha
Oh god, that voice... so annoying, like someone gargling syrup... and then, all that gun play? It's like... "Hey, I can use my phone to do crazy cool stuff but I'm just going to shoot you all anyway!" ... for me, that takes a little bit of the intelligence away from it.
I was interested in the Banning question actually... since none of my posts ever show up any more... I don't remember posting anything horrific... so it's a bit odd... am I banned? Do I need to move sites??
Oh god, I cried so much watching this! Laughter Cry!
I dream of a world with uncensored dong.
Now THIS is a FFXIII game I can get excited about. It looks fresh, fun and more importantly quite removed from the previous two... of course, it will be linked... but it just seems so seperate...
And what percent of that 70% of those android devices will this game be optimised for?
I think if anyone looks at how slowly Microsoft and Sony actually turned a profit with their last consoles, they would probably get a tiny bit of insight into why these two powerhouses would try anything to keep the money coming directly to them. We've heard how used games sales are a blight to publishers,…
Gold is such an ugly colour :/ this is a cool way to invite people though.
Oh god, Jason's tone is just unbearable.
Yup. sick of this kind of opinion shovelling. Frankly I'd never be too interested in Pat's circles, but yeah, articles like this are just so lame. My absolute favourite thing about them is the attempt to distance themselves from the series ... Like, by pretending they don't exactly know how many games are in the…
Well, this is a very clean, simple teaser... how unlike Sony!
This looks and 'feels' beautiful!