
Please explain Awkward Zombie to me :(

What the hell is awkward zombie about ?

To a customer... this move is more to show non-owners just what is coming, and why they should get a Wii U

Because this will attract new customers.

Incredibly clever move. Aren't they a little spooked of all those Demos out in the wild??

Hate the new design. hate it so much. there are new customization options this time around, but they only seem to be 3 shades of skin colour and 3 shades of hair colour... would it honestly be that difficult to just have a character creation option?

This is fantastic! Loved FF8 so much. I would rather the Hi_Res version be avalible on the PS3 but... whatever. Hopefully this will lead to FF9??

The 4th gen was dreadful... PLATINUM was the best out of a grim lot.

I would love to see this... Not enough Space Horror out there!

:/ make all that fuss about being different, niche, not for everyone... Then seemingly recycle the Neptuna art style??? Youch. I know it's the same team, and I know that there is more to the game than its art and battle system... But it's a bit of a shame to just use so much from a dreadful series, when apparently

Shame it needs a bug :(

Gungan Fronteir? ... Please stop investing time in that race ... Please.

One request... please please PLEASE audition lots of people for your main character... The Whispered World was ruined for me by awful voice work... *sad-face*

"Has it really come to this!?!?!?!?!?"

You play your Vita more!? Ouch... that IS a sad state of affairs.

Stephen, your point is all over the place, and then you almost abandon it all at the end of your comment... the fact is that Violence is in videogames because people love violence. They like splatter, they like exploding enemies, they love pulling the trigger and watching someone vaporize.

You're a cock

It's quite grim how any criticism placed on gaming just gets thrown out immediately. Particularly shameful of Owen to judge the guy based on how young he got someone pregnant. classy owen... classy. I think we are all so used to crusading for games that we are all a little too dismissive...

Urgh, I know... I mean I'm grateful for well crafted games, but PLEASE kojima... you have created more than Metal Gear, for pity sakes work on something else!

Most new games retail at the same price though. Regardless of content.