You're easily turned off.
You're easily turned off.
No, I meant... Here, here! as in... come here KH3... come here, here... @_@
Here here.
hehe haha oh my
So... The Walking Dead now has one of the best games AND one of the worst games ever made under it's license.
It sounded/looked so incredible... I was gonna take a trip to Nottingham to totally have a play...
Cool. This is great news. I shall purchase.
Boss Fights.
A park that was cruelly rejected for health and safety reasons...
Urgh... fucking imbeciles... and to think how much we brits pander to the US with our content and creations...
Oh hell yeah, some things are... it's an amazing story. OK, fine some people won't touch it because it's Anime but in reality it's one of the best examinations into morals, justice and ego I've ever seen.
Urm... sure... prequel... I'm game... but how about he wraps up his series first ;)
Half your life gone, and those floaty symbols over everyones head? I dunno :/
Not much use without their names and faces...
Hahaha, so much bitchy venom here. Draw Something is fun, what's everyone's problem?
This is horrible.
Does Jason actually like these compilation lists? He did this with the PS4 news, the lead up to that event they had... and now, we have a compilation of the SimCity news...?
I fuckin' well hope so! :D
Their parts will be supporting roles... and don't you think that they have the time to be taken to the gym, given personal trainers... told to starve?
So... what would be cool is actual News about this show, IF you insist on reporting about the show at all... I dunno, like this New trailer?