
Been wondering this... to make it worse it's not actually news, it's "Imagine Game of Thrones as a 90's show!" "Mash up GOT's with whatever shit..."

I love the wacky antics in these games... I hope I can still decide the bulgyness of my crotch.

Kudos for trying to make MGS 5 interesting... I suppose. Because they need something a little different.

HD? Wow, cool... shut up. Release it on PSP, or VITA... it's a handheld game... hey, wait! Vita is in desperate need of games... duh, I wonder what to do Squenix...

Wow, some of these things are pretty great! And not as expensive as I thought they would be! Can I pull off blue and yellow though... Hrmmm

It does look 'like' it. Just not... super like it... urgh

lol wut?

Yeah I know, but that hardware is variable... as in, you can have a tower and fill it with anything. If you can't run a game, too bad, upgrade. You can change your screen resolution on the fly.

And THIS is one reason why Android plays second fiddle to most apps. People still don't get how much of a ball ache it can be to deal with the tons of different hardware out there.

This First Assualt reveal has driven me to play through Battlefront 2 again ;)

Highly suspicious how much of this has magically leaked, over the course of a few days... but whatever. I don't give a fuck if this is some weird marketing, or just Kotaku squeezing the toothpaste tube slowly... this game looks FUN. Release it!

Hahahaha! Oh my actual fucking god, that was horrible.

Flipnote is just magical. I love it so much.

If you can only muster a snarky, sarcastic comment in the first place, don't get all bent out of shape if you get a harsh reply.

"That some have taken to calling an unofficial steam-box"

How is it that everyone who features in these 'my life is hell' pieces are always so relaxed at divulging such terrible details... And how did he solve the issues with his dad and stepmum? As great as a game makes you feel it won't stop a parent abusing you...

Well of course, you wont be the first person to wonder this... I would say the Origin reliance is of course EA led, but I reckon the online nature is Maxis... just driven by the boom in social gaming.

You want to play a game just like every other Simcity? Then go play those games and shut up.

You don't have to agree with their vision for it to be forward thinking, in their eyes. Unfortunately (for some) making games simpler is many developers missions. Look at Arena, then look at Skyrim... hell, even look at Morrowind and then Skyrim... simplicity, and mass marketing is the name of the game. It doesn't

True, and a lot of people may feel the same. Maxis have made the game they wanted to make, with the features they wanted to include. I doubt they will be eager to chop features that they believe is driving this game forward, rather than just making it a prettier Simcity game.