Couple of good dragons to use.

Wait a minute ...

I remember Mega Bloks already doing some Pokemon sets, so ...

RIP Don LaFontaine, who voiced the commercial.

Well, I'm speechless, I'll just post this then.

Suddenly Nudist Beach makes a bit more sense now.

I'm listening to Rainbow Dash and all I hear is Tomoko Kuroki.

The owner of the image requests that you credit him or remove the image.

If this is going to be dubbed, Yuri Lowenthal will have his work cut out for him voicing both P3 MC and Yosuke.

Something like this?

I have a feeling I know what should be in there ...

Who's to say we can't have both?

Dunno, it was part of the program.

No, it's LEGO Digital Designer.

Now playing

Also on the topic of LEGO and things that are big: