The 2.0 version onwards is where things got better for Hero Factory.

Basically the ruler of the island where damaged Matoran are sent to to be repaired in BIONICLE. Unfortunately, he sucks at that part, so Matoran were never sent there again. Good thing too, as this guy is completely insane.

Those aren't masks.

Yes they are.

Well, we had some grinning in 2006 ...

What about PETA?

Given this is in Dreamland or something, should we expect to see Kirby?

Given this is LEGO, we can just send the damaged over to Karzahni to get fixed.

This comic is going to be a bit awkward with an Assassin voicing the Batman.

Which is amusing given The Big O series was essentially part-Batman.

Let's hope nothing like this happens.

Got nothing on the master splasher.

It's not Rapture, but imagine Bioshock in Mahri Nui?

Spoilers: She's actually a cat.

Funny that back in the 20s where American gangsters hid guns in musical instrument cases.

Tell that to my tank.

Well, I'm glad we got Froslass as a more yuki-onna Pokemon.

You'll probably get one for assembling it.