Next time on Epic Meal Time.
Next time on Epic Meal Time.
Shouldn't it be "the strangest appetite"?
You know what's funny? There's a meme about her voice actor saying she's 17-years-old.
Does it come with orange juice?
Not sure if I want to bring this up, but with the whole Boston bombings, despite being wrapped up now, having a trailer where a bomb explodes and destroys a building is rather bad timing. Though to be fair, I think we've seen this trailer already before.
Maybe through vehicles, but almost never by hand.
Bit early for Project X Zone?
Yeah, it was in 2003 and canonically retconned as "Naming Day".
Anyone remember about BZPower getting hacked by Maori hackers due to BIONICLE using Maori terms?
While it was cancelled last year, Motorcity.
The funny thing is that when the whole Fukashima Nuclear disaster occurred, people in China and neighboring countries panicked and bought a sorts of stuff to protect themselves from possible radiation.
It sort of happened in real life.
Nothing is true, everything is permitted.